Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm back with more!!!!!!!!!

Hey all, been a long long LONG time since I last posted on this blog, Sorry about that. My new semester term have just started and have been busy catching up with work. But now I'm sick, down with a flu, giving me ample time to consolidate my hobby :D

At a very perfect timing, two of my online orders came together, the first being from Games Workshop and the other from Amazon.

This is what I had bought from Games Workshop. I am starting to build up my Vostroyan Firstborn, the guard army that have dragged me into this hobby in almost 2-3 years ago. How time flies.

Besides ordering these stuff, Games Workshop too gave me a Mechanicum poster and also a Mechanicum cog wheel pin. Thank you Games Workshop. Sadly during my opening of the box, my knife was too sharp and now both the poster and the order sheet above it cut from top to bottom. But no worries, as a Warhammer 40k big fan, I would do my best to  restore it to its former glory.

The order from Amazon is a out of production book that I have been unable to find from anywhere near me. It is the omnibus for the Bretonnian knights. What took me to liking Bretonnians was actually just an accidental idea on trying to make rough riders for my Guard. Furthermore, I got myself the Bretonnian book Knight of the Realm at a great sale. Hence the story and miniatures got me into liking them. Since I did not like e-books, I got it on Amazon. It is pretty worn down but still readable and a condition that I can accept. It too has the old book smell, the smell of a book that has been on the shelf for ages ( trust me, I know how a book smell ).

So that's all for this post, just a really small update on what I would be working on until my next blog post is up. See you guys later! :D
