Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Final Fantasy 25th Memorial Ultimania Volume 3

Hey all!

So its been some time since I have written a post. Have been going back to school during the holidays to make some progress for my project. Today, I return with great news (great news for me that is). I have finally located one of the books in my to buy list.

I was supposed to meet my friends yesterday to get some parts for our project, but due to the wait, I decided to wonder around my favorite book store (Books Kinokuniya). It was really lucky for me as that day, I decided to browse the Japanese book section, which I usually don't even go near to. Right at the corner of the shelf, I finally saw it, the volume 1 of the book that I have been looking for. But what I was really after in that series was volume 3, since it includes FFXIII.

So after meeting up with my friends and getting what I needed for the project, I took the time to head down to another branch of that bookstore. To my great luck, I found volume 3 of the book! You must be really anxious to know what book I am talking about. Well the title says it all, it is the Final Fantasy 25th Memorial Ultimania Volume 3. This volume includes the Final Fantasy series X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV.

I am currently clearing out stuff to add in more books to my shelf (I have also bought Deus Ex guide book and the art of Deus Ex book some time ago). I would write about my collections right after I finish packing my room and shelf. With additional Lightning stuff that I bought, I cannot wait for my room to be packed (its really messy) and showcase to all of you my collection. My collection is not really as big as what many have, but I am satisfied at what I have and plan to increase it.

I am currently saving up for the other 2 volumes of this ultimania. Having already know the location of volume 1, the only thing left to do is to save up some money for it and hunt down for the 2nd volume.

Thank you all, that's all for today's post, I hope to see you all soon :D
