Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chinese New Year

Hey all!
Happy Chinese New Year.
Now is the eve, probably an hour more to Chinese New Year.
So pick up your tools and paints, it is time!
As a tradition, everyone will stay up as long as possible at the eve, so all the way!
Happy Chinese New Year!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Foam Mission

Hey all!

I am back again!

I have spent almost half a day finishing up a felt model. Reason being I did one was to replace a Catachan model that I gave to my Dad.

So I believe this may appeal to some people who wants to try.

The following is a picture with a Catachan model for size comparison:

Though I must say this is time consuming as I have to let the glue set before I can go on.

For me, I make felt models for fun at home and I will most probably get the models I want when I get the chance to. But as said previously, I made one to replace another which I have given away.

Hence after seeing how cool it was, I have decided to make a Winterial on it when I get the time to.

So do stay tune for an awesome Foamy Winterial coming to you on this blog soon.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Hydra


Hey all!

So it's been quite a while since I last wrote on the blog. Sorry about that. I was busy with the application for further studies and all. Plus my laptop screen broke (I accidentally broke it) and I am currently down with a flu (Hence this gave me a chance to take a break and write on the blog).

Recently I have been working on this guy:

Yep, it is the Imperial Guard Hydra Flak Tank.

I dug it out of my storage when I was packing the boxes. I guess I bought this a while back but never had the chance to push myself to finish it. Until now.

It took me more than half a day to complete it. Now, the hatch, head of the tank commander, the turret and its awesome guns are all bluetack as I want to remove them later to paint. 

Though it is an awesome kit, it is hard to build.

I damaged the upper hull piece and the top of the turret. Hence now the Hydra has become a one and only because it is damaged. But it should be fine as it gives the tank a more unique look.

I love this kit, but it is kind of expensive. You could either just buy the conversion kit or buy the complete set. You would need a basilisk tank battery if you only buy the conversion kit.

So here are the pictures for it: 

I could not make a Winterial for it as I made some mistakes along the way aand I guess you should not follow them. Hence maybe wait till I get another kit and get a Winterial made up.


There are lots of bending of the parts, especially the guns. But that is unavoidable. Hence you need hot water to make it straight again.

Do not use too much on the resin parts. Surprisingly the hatch on top of the turret became powdery and white and hard, like as if they were deformed.

Never ever do this without a professional help or do this without someone who never did this before. Lucky ones would get it right, unlucky ones like me would have to make do with the damage done to it.

So, with nothing else to add, I shall end this here. See you all soon. And hopefully have some Winterials up.


Monday, January 13, 2014

The Fate Decided

Hey all!
So I have gotten my results approximately 2.5 hours ago. I believe all of you will be excited about it.
So here's the conclusion. I did better then what I have expected myself to get. Hence this blog survives!
And to celebrate the continuation of this blog, I would like to let you know about what to expect next. There will bound to be unboxing of some new releases for the upcoming Imperial Guard sets, more kit-bashing Winterials and many more to come! So stay tune and do look out for new posts on this blog!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Fate

Hey all!
It is less than 24 hours till I get my national examination results. Wish me luck!
This result will be important as it will determine how much I can post on this blog for the coming year.
So do look out for the next post on the results as I believe you would all be curious on the fate of this blog.
Good results too will give a ticket to more kit-bash in the near future.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Ratling Winterial 03

Hey all!
As you all know that the Winterial for the Ratling has ended. Hence this post is meant to give some Tips and Tricks, Things to take note and my Reflection.
Tips and Tricks:
1.When making a small button for the pouches, roll it into a small thin rod first before detaching a small piece as it is very hard to remove something so small.
2. Use a stack of popsicle sticks to form a support for the Ratling when letting to cure when it is standing. Similarly, you can also get something that does not tear like paper, has no colouring added, and is smooth enough to support the Ratling too.
Things to take note:
1. When the Kneadatite is curing, always do not place it directly at any point where it may change shape. Instead, support it to maintain the shape that you made till it has cured. In ny case, I supported the small bits like the rifle and head on a pair of tweezer to prevent it from getting deformed (that's what the tweezer is for).
2. At some parts of the instructions where as say let cure first or don't let it cure yet, I mean it as it helps in the following steps to come. This is because I went past some of the steps without letting it to cure first and accidentally pressing onto it, changing its shape. Thus I do not want you to repeat the mistakes which I have done.
All in all, this was a pretty good project completed as ur turned out better than what I expected the outcome to be.
I hope that all who read this Winterial will take interest in it and try it out. Hopefully too develop a passion to do sculpting and modelling.
I understand that this model uses mostly Kneadatite and spare bits, since afterall I got them from someone who doesn't want then anymore at a reasonable price. Hence you could find them easily through people who play dwarf army and have spares. However, I believe many people too prefer to kit-bash an awesome Ratling by buying all the bits to do it. Thus I will probably try to make a kit-bash tutorial  for the Ratling whenever it is possible.
In the mean time, I haven't plan much as I am now looking forward to the new Imperial Guard release ( I heard there is a Paladin Knight for them too). I may do some kit-bash tutorial but nothing solid yet. What I do confirm is that I will do some inboxing when the Imperial Guard New release is out. So do stay tune and look out for what is coming next.

The Ratling Winterial 02

Hey all!

This is the second Winterial for my Ratling. (When I say very near future, it is pretty near.)

Do enjoy making it. The steps shown here are continued from 'The Ratling Winterial 01'.

Step 11:

Time for the feets of the Ratling! Have two balls of Kneadatite, roughly the same size, press them into an oval shape with a flat bottom. The longer length of the feet size should be a little longer than the length of the base of the Ratling body measured from the front to the back. From the top, you should get roughly the shape of the feet as shown in Pict 11. Move on to Step 12 immediately.

Step 12:

Roll two more Kneadatite balls that have the diameter of about half the length of the feet and attach it to one end of the feet as shown in Pict 12. Smooth the edge that is attached to the feet to look like they are as one without the separation line if possible. Do not let this cure. In fact, move on with the next step as quickly as possible so that this will not cure.

Step 13:

Now for the other arm. Roll a Kneadatite that is about the arms length of the dwarf (You can try to compare it to the other arm). Ensure that one end is attached firmly to the body and the other to the wrist. The mistake I did here is to make the edges attached to the body smooth. This should not be the case as the Ratling should look like it is wearing a sleeveless shirt. But since I had already did it wrongly, I just took it that it is wearing a one sleeve shirt, as shown in Pict 13. But even if it is sleeveless, it should end up with a similar result. To make sure that the arm looks normal if it is sleeveless, ensure that the kneadatite ends at the wrist with the diameter that is the size of the diameter or attach it to the wrist and make it smooth to make it look normal. Move on to Step 14 before the feet cures!

Step 14:

Now is the crucial part. You need to attach the leg to the body but careful not to press too hard or the feet will deform. The two feet are regarded as boots in this case. You should end up with the Ratling similar to Pict 14. Ensure that you have something for the model to support on as the feet cures. If not, you might end up like mine being leaning towards the back (It may also occur to be leaning to the side or the front). 

Step 15:

As the body cures, we move on to the last part of the rifle that I think makes it look better. I detached the rifle for the purpose of this to let you guys see it. But you can also detach it either to do this or (if you are a not so good painter like me) to paint it before glueing or both(which for me, it is both). It should be a thin strip of Kneadatite going around the base portion of Kneadatite, like what I did with the scope, as shown in Pict 15. In any case where you do not see it at Pict 15, compare it to the previous rifle pictures, Pict 5 and Pict 6.

Step 16:

As the rifle and body cures, time to move on to the pouches. You can also do this when the body completely cures or not but in either cases, attach when the finished pouch have yet to cure. Roll a small ball of Kneadatite and form it into a cuboid if possible. I ended up with the shape as shown in Pict 16. Ensure that the cuboid is not too large so it won't look weird on the Ratling (which is what happened to mine). Move on to Step 17.

Step 17:

Flatten a small piece of kneadatite with the size of the smallest rectangle side of the cuboid with a small protruding side. Do not remove the line that shows that the are attached. You should end up with Pict 7 or something similar to it. Move on to Step 18.

Step 18:

Roll a Kneadatite till it is a very thin thread and detach a small piece to be attached to the protruding end of the pouch as shown in Pict 18. Ensure that the diameter of the small piece of Kneadtite is smaller than even the protruding side of the pouch as shown.

Step 19: 

Before the pouch cures, attach it to the Ratling with the top covering the belt. In Pict 19, I have made four of them. To ensure that they are all the same size, follow each step by making the number of pouches you want to ensure that they are all the same size.

Step 20:

As said earlier, I have accidentally caused my Ratling to lean backwards at an angle. To make it straight again, I decided to make a base by covering it with Kneadatite, with a slope at one side just at an angle for the Ratling to appear straight. I made a small dent with the feet at the base to remind me where the Ratling goes as shown in Pict 20.

And so there you have it. The completed Ratling!

I will do a post on Tips and Tricks, Things to take note and Reflections on this Winterial. So stay tune.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Ratling Winterial 01

Hey all!

This is the Ratling Winterial which all of you have been waiting for!

This is also my first Winterial!

I apologise for the poor quality of the photos but they should be still clear enough to look at.

So without further ado, let us begin!

Things you need:

1. Crossbow bit from the Dwarf Thunderers/Quarrellers Set.
2. Head-Body bit of dwarf and the handless axe bit from the Dwarf Warriors Set.
3. Kneadatite Greenstuff.
4. Cutter (To cut the Kneadatite. I personally used my trusty plastic cutter.).
5. A pair of tweezer.
6. A small container of water (You need water to prevent Kneadatite from feeling sticky and attaching to your hand when you are using it).
7. A pair of plastic cutter.

Step 1:

In Pict 1, you should be able to see the Dwarf Head-Body bit in which I have used as shown on the left. I used my plastic cutters to cut of the Dwarf pointed helmet, the wings on the helmet, part of the beard and everything that looks like a Dwarf, such as the circular items attached to the beard. All you need is the head and the moustache and the base of the helmet (The cylindrical shape part attached to the head). So that leaves us with a head for our Ratling!

Step 2:

As shown in Pict 2, the left side shows the axe as a whole with its disected parts except for the middle portion, where you can see it attached to the crossbow bit. This actually forms the barrel of the sniper rifle of the Ratling. Ensure that the sniper rifle is straight.

Step 3:

Now, attach the handle of the axe to the middle of the barrel to form the scope of the rifle as shown in Pict 3. The larger end of the handle will be nearer to the trigger than the smaller end as shown too.

Step 4:

This is where the Kneadatite will be used the most often. Take a small ball of Kneadatite and slowly press it onto the head where the help was supposed to be previously. Round the edges to leave us with the result as shown in Pict 4. This is meant to make a kerchief like cloth over its head, just like some of the Catachan heads. Let it cure first before making the body.

Step 5:

In the mean time, we go on to the sniper rifle. I took a very small bit of Kneadatite just enough to cover up the gaps at the segmented part of the scope, leaving the two ends untouched as shown in Pict 5. Form a small rectangle and attach it to the left end of the barrel as shown in Pict 5 and roll a small cylinder roughly with a smaller diameter then the rectangle (Not too small!) and attach it to the right end of the barrel as shown in Pict 5. What you should obtain should be shown in Pict 5. (I used left and right end of barrel to indicate which rectangle or cylinder is at which side from Pict 5.) Both the rectangle and cylinder must be attached at the point where you first glued the axe body to the crossbow bit.

Step 6:

Now, take 2 small strips of Kneadatite and attach it around the scope (Almost near the two ends of the scope) as shown in Pict 6. Take an even smaller strip of Kneadatite and go around the middle of the scope. You should obtain the result shown in Pict 6. If the Kneadatite do not end properly at each side of the scope, use the tweezer to press the edges of the Kneadatite strips that reaches the barrel in to give it a more natural look. The scope of the sniper rifle is complete. Leave it aside to cure.

Step 7:

Back to the head when the Kneadatite has cured. Attached a round ball to the base of it and form a rectangular like shape with round edges as shown in Pict 7 to obtain the body. As I have accidentally removed what seemed like the mouth area of the dwarf previously, I have added a crease near the moustache as shown in Pict 7 using my fingernail. I ensured that the sniper rifle that has the arm attached is still able to fit into the gap where it is supposed to be. The head and body should be about the same length by now, except that the body is a little bit longer. You should be able to tell that in Pict 7. Move on to Step 8 now.

Step 8:

(Sorry about the picture frame. Nothing I can do about it) So as shown in Pict 8, the back of the Ratling must look symmetrical. Although it does not need to, but this will make the Ratling look neater. Leave it to cure before moving to Step 9.

Step 9:

Make a pancake by pressing on a ball of kneadatite till it is about a little larger then the diameter of the lower body and not so thick. This makes the belt of the Ratling as shown in Pict 9. Let it cure before moving on to Step 10.

Step 10:

Now, attach a skirt like pancake, roughly about the height of the belt, diameter of the lower body (smaller than the belt by a little) and increases in diameter as it goes down like a skirt to have the ending diameter a little larger than the belt. This is standard Imperial issued kind of uniform where the shirt is supposedly to be very long. Leave it to cure. You should end up with a body twice the length of the head (or a little lesser).

So this is the end of my Part 1 Winterial for my Ratling. Do look out for Part 2 of my Ratling Winterial that will be coming in the very near future.


Monday, January 6, 2014

The Ratling

Hey all!
As you all know I have been working on a Ratling project. So there you have it, a completed Ratling. I am now working on the tutorial, or should I say Winterial.
I used probably parts from 2 to 3 different sets of dwarfs from Warhammer fantasy. I will sort out the sets in the upcoming Winterial for the Ratling.
The Ratling is about 85% Kneadatite Greenstuff, so it might take a while to complete one.
As my skills aren't that awesome yet, I understand that the pouches look weird but I will get to it in the Winterial.
So do check back for the upcoming Ratling Winterial coming to this blog soon.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Commissar

Hey all!

So as promised, here is the commissar that I have sculpted.

Though this sculpt was not very well done, but it is pretty good for the first time I did sculpt from scratch.

I have the hands from the Imperial Guard Sergeant : The laspistol and the chainsword.

So there it is. I have already started on the Ratling and hopefully get a finished product out by the weekend. Do look forward to it as a tutorial will come shortly after I have shown all of you the finished product of the Ratling.

Time to work on the base for the commissar and have one for the Ratling when I am done with it. If possible, I will also let you know how I did the bases.
