Monday, June 22, 2015

Adeptus Custodes Scratchbuild Update #3

Its been a long time since I last posted, have been so busy catching up on a new liking of mine that my friend recommended: Naruto.

I finished like more than 200 episodes of when he is still a child and now I'm in Shippuden 100+ episodes in. But I am already in the midst of my examinations, I thought I better start posting some stuff rather then spending too much of my time watching. 

So without further ado, this is my 3rd update of the Adeptus Custodes. Technically this was the 4th, but the 3rd failed so badly that I decided not to post it and chuck it aside. Note to self and everyone: White glue will literally turn white when it touches water even after it dries, breaking the bond.

So I thought about it for quite some time and why not use something that I have the most abundance for? Sprues. Yes. I made this about 2 weeks ago:

So this is going to be a really short update, but this is going to be a great leap to finally finishing my scratchbuild Adeptus Custodes before those in Forgeworld get there before me. And they are drawing close I must say, at the rate they are releasing all the stuff. Even Gal Vorbak are out. 

Guess I better hurry up and make more updates.

So that's all for today's update. Nothing much. See you guys soon :D
