Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fire Hawks and Imperial Fists

So, its been a long time since I have posted in this blog as to be honest, I don't really have much to post these days. Most of the things that I have been working on are just plans drafting, future projects to do, some painting and catching up on my novels.

But I decided to share with you guys some marines which I have painted up about 2 weeks ago. Yes, that's a long time ago. Now I will share it with you.

The first would be my own Imperial Fists:

Sorry about the lighting as this was taken with my phone and the image does not really do the actual figure justice. The one on the left is the recent one while on the right would be one which was used as a paint scheme test for the Fist which I really liked. The based I did it as a urban style of base as I am hoping to start my Vostroyan someday. The urban base could make a connection to my Vostroyan in the future and also easier for me to add the snow instead of having to repaint it,

The next would be my Fire Hawks. Yes, you saw correct. Fire Hawks:

The Fire Hawks are something which I have been working on for a while. 5 of them have only been recently painted, the rest are in various stages months before. Some looks shinier then the others are probably the older ones. I had them satin varnish in the past before I got my matt varnish and did the matt on the entire squad. The colors in the group image does not really do it justice. Here is a close up on one of them:

This image was taken right before I batch paint the remaining 5 bolter marines. You can see them in the background. The symbols on every of their shoulder pads are free handed:

When I finally get my hands on more marines, I might just do up a tutorial for the Fire Hawks and the Imperial Fists.

That's all for today's post. Hope you guys look forward for more awesome content.
