Saturday, January 16, 2016

Commander Ponds

Hey guys, been a long long time since I updated my blog. Went on a holiday with my family during my holidays and came back to rush projects for my school. I have since been busy until now when I decided to take a break.

I went to buy from my forum group one of the 30th anniversary action figure for a star wars clone trooper officer with yellow stripes.

The one on the left being the one I bought and the other is one that I have in my collection.

I just collected it and the reason I bought it was because he look really like Commander Ponds during the first invasion of Geonosis.

Image result for commander ponds

Commander Ponds is one of my favorite commanders, especially since Star Wars the Clone Wars series where he was featured and off course died. 

My friends tell me he is not a likable character, since he died so fast without doing anything. But I find that he is really being unfairly treated. I believe that before he was captured and killed, he must have fought with all his strength to protect the admiral. No soldier goes down without a fight.

Thus I really like him, also he was the commander for one of my favorite Jedi, Mace Windu. 

That's all for today, my exam is going to end towards end of February, so hopefully I can get more post up after that :) 
