Monday, March 2, 2015

Scions Conversion Winterial part 2: Hot-shot volley gun

Hey all, welcome to part 2 of the scions conversion Winterial where today, we will be looking at the awesome volley gun.

I for one tried the gun out in game before and was pretty impressed but was singled out pretty fast by my opponents marines and got taken out before it did much. Nevertheless, it is still an awesome piece to be included within your scions collection. Here we go.

Basically, the overall design is similar to that of the hot-shot lasgun. The one not so obvious difference would be the ammo pack. Instead of just using one of the parts from the respirator pack as seen in part 1, I took 2 and glued them together before adding them onto the gun as shown below:

The next step after this is really straight forward, just attach the lasgun to the scout boltgun, as shown in the part 1 Winterial. Except now in this case, u have to flatten the bottom of the lasgun and also the front of the boltgun.

Part 1:

Next, we just detach a laspistol from one of the sergeant's hand and remove the trigger area, handle and the rear circular piece. The top of the lasgun should also be trimmed off for a better look. Glue it to the bottom of the lasgun and you should get something as shown below:

I decided not to remove the powerpack as I found that it looks pretty neat on the gun itself. But if you intend to remove it, feel free to do so as its up to personal choice.

So this is my part 2 for the Scions Conversion Winterial, stay tune to look out for the final part of it to wrap this up!


Edit: YouTube videos on Scions Winterial:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

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