Monday, March 31, 2014

What to expect soon!

I know I know it have been a long time since I last posted. So here is an update on what is possibly to come!

As from the picture above, chaos chosens of the crimson slaughter is definitely on the list. I got these six guys quite some time back from someone who is selling it for 20 dollars. Now I finally have them built up and will be ready to paint after I get my hands on those colours!

What happened to the Valhallan Ice Warrior Winterial?  

Well, the pictures are a little incomplete but I would post up the Winterial on this blog as soon as I figured out how to make the Winterial understandable. Plus I might have a video of it that may come up shortly so that it would help you all in the process of the Winterial once it is ready.

So this is the update for today, hope you all will look forward to it. And with the Astra Millitarum new releases that I believe would come very soon, you should be able to expect some unboxing. 

No, I am probably not going to get any scions for the time being though I must admit the models are cool. Looking at the Taurox vehicle I already have some idea on some conversions I can do with it so you can expect me to get one soon.

That's all for today, see you all later!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Boredom on the bus

So it has been a long time since I posted as I was on a tour. But I have been on the bus for quite a while back then and I felt bored.
Thus I spent a few minutes of my time on board to make a photo of a Star Wars Clone Trooper on the notes app on my phone.
And right down below you can see it.
I find it quite good as I never expected myself to draw it that awesome.
So enjoy and hopefully I can get something interesting up soon.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Friends of Star Wars The Clone Wars Adventures

Having been a big fan of Star Wars and also played this game for a very long time, I believe many others like me has made quite a lot of friends.

There is bound to be some who leaves you the greatest memory to bring along to the future. In addition, I won't be able to play this game any more as I won't be around from tomorrow to it's final hour. Thus I decided to make use of this time to recognise them.

My Username is Purgao. You can find me in other games with this username too.

If I miss out anyone, do let me know!

So here are they:

djm Droidcharge

Never fails to be my buddy in the game.

Jac Thermalscanner

The leader of the pack.

Leia Moonrise

The way she talk is unique and fun. 

Midnight Walker

Gives me a good laugh everywhere.

RinQual Galecrier

He has stories from his experience with Jedi membership.

These are the few of my friends which I believe made a deep impression in me. If I miss out anyone, let me know. If at any chance you are one of these few I mentioned, you can find me at this blog.

I hope all of you will have a great time, be there at the final hour!


P.S. Photos taken at the time of post. Everything is in alphabetical order.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned After-thoughts

What are my thoughts on the Legion of the Damned?

Well, it is a very good question asked.

I personally liked the fluff of the Legion of the Damned, thus I decided to make some of it. But that it not the only reason behind my motivation. I am actually pretty much in to the Fire Hawks Chapter. It is one of my favourite chapters besides several others.

I intended to have them fielded by the sides of my Imperial Guard, but building process has taken too much time and I barely finished any. I only finished the bolter marines.

I would definitely make a five men squad for the Legion of the Damned, since that seems to be their basic number. Plus I decided on five as I am using a marine combat squad for this purpose.

I believe the Legionary was very worth the time to do as the results were pretty good. In addition, I am now pulled further into it's awesome fluff, so maybe I would be getting one of their books soon.

If you are someone who loves to customise miniatures, this is definitely a challenging project for you as you get to design it the way you want it to be. There is no right or wrong to their design. All you need is to add designs to show death like skulls, ribcage, bones, fire and many more. Since after all, their fluff is meant for them to be the Damned.

With the release of a new supplement for these guys, I may invest on one and build up a force purely on the Legion of the Damned.

What inspires me to do better for these miniatures is actually a very old miniature that is built very very long ago (1996 I think).

This miniature is a sergeant holding a skull with 3 service studs which could belong to a former Captain. Since fluff wise it says it resurrects a fallen brother for every enemy killed. Hence I am quite pushed to one day get my hands on one of those miniatures, if not make one myself that has as much similarity to that as possible.

So I hoped you like this project very much. For people who have been following me on this project, thank you for your support. Once I harness the skill of sculpting, I may make a tutorial on how to do it.


Star Wars The Clone Wars Adventures is officially ending

Star Wars The Clone Wars Adventures. All of you Star Wars fans should at the very least know this game.

It was the first game I downloaded on my PC and have played it for over a year. 

But now, I have a terrible news for all of you fans who play this game:

That's right, this game would end at the 31st March this year. Which is kind of saddening as I always play this game when I get bored or for the thrill of all the excitement that I get when I play campaigns.

Right now, they are closing, or officially shutting it down. As a hardcore Star Wars fan, I wouldn't bear to see this game disappear. 

The reason for their closing is unknown to me, though I suspect it may have to do with the new episodes coming out soon.

I may not me a Jedi member, I may not have station cash, but I enjoy the game just as much. 

For all of you who never tried this game before or stop playing it, it is time to play as this may jolly well be the last time we could see it. But sad for me, I won't be anywhere near my PC for quite a while, so it may turn out as a regret for me. 

So let's go!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 6

Let's get on to business!

I removed the banner from the backpack as it is too heavy for the miniature to support the weight. Hence I decided I could use it as an objective for my games.

I added a horizontal pole to the banner and added a thin piece of green stuff to the cross point to make it look like there is something holding the two pole together.

I added the Kneadatite to the arms and attached it to the body to make it look like he is about to swing his axe down on his foe. To make things worse in this process is the axe is too heavy and I had to hold on to it with some sticky putty and several bits here and there to keep it in the position I want while it dries.

And that is the end!

I am happy with the overall result of this guy. Photos are all below and a little bit of fluff would be added further down the post.





Personally as a really big fluff lover, I decided to make a fluff story for this guy:

As the battle raged on, the iron warriors were gaining the upper hand to take the last standing fortified bastion. The Imperial Fists desperately holds off their foes along with the remaining Imperial Guard forces.
When the frontline collapses, all hope seems lost for the Imperial defenders.

Suddenly, figures in black armour emerged among the Iron Warriors, their armours writhed with psychic flame, their helmet lenses, cold as death.

Without a word spoken or any order given, they charged into the Iron Warriors, catching them by surprise, breaking their ranks. Among the warriors of doom is one exceptional figure. Carrying a plasma pistol and an axe, he cleaved through Iron Warrior's armour with ease, his wrath is unstoppable. 

The Iron Warriors are soon in full retreat and the black figures disappear as soon as they arrive, leaving no trace of their ever existence except for the carnage they wrought against the Iron Warriors.


So this is the fluff that you have read for my guy.

Just to end this off, a sneak peak on how the objective would look like for the Legion of the Damned.

In Dedicato Imperatum Ultra Articulo Mortis


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 5

The title gives it away all the time. 5 days in to this project and I think I can finally see the finish line. I may finish this project within the week.

If you are wondering, no, this is not the last day yet, so don't worry.

So I decided to give my little guy some recesses on the newly added soft armour. But sadly it was a failed attempt and I had to cover the damage I did on the soft armour area, as you can see at the picture of the legs below. Sigh. 

Thus I decided that the ribs would remain as it is since I guess I am still not good with the knife.

I also started on the banner of this guy, which I saw all sergeants have. Hence using a secret recipe I formulated, I carved out the motto which I believe shows the true intention of the Legionaries:

In dedicato imperatum ultra articulo mortis (For the Emperor beyond the point of death)

I would only show the secret formula in my tutorial if one ever comes up. If not, I would soon reveal it. But for experts, it is extremely easy and you should see it at one glance.

I also sliced it apart to get the shape I wanted.

I had a skull made for the top of the banner and have the banner surrounded by a layer of Kneadatite. After which, I added a pole to the back of the banner. Though not very straight, it is kind of good for first attempts and also shows some wear and tear of it, like maybe the warp did something to it and all that.

Next, I left a piece of Kneadatite at the backpack to be it's base.

Just to side track a little, I did a armour at the groin and added a tiny skull onto it. To be actual, it is actually attached to the belt. Thus you should be able to see the armour clearly but not the skull as it is a little too small.

Lastly, I attached the banner to the torso. I had to support it with sticky putty to keep it straight while it hardens. As it is too heavy, I may consider removing it as the miniature may not be able to hold it!

I attached the axe to the arm at it's original position by mistake, but I would live with it as I realised a better pose can be made with the arm, so we shall see how it goes. Plus I removed the flames at the bottom as I find them a little out of place down there.

That's it for today! A great step has been made and it is one step closer to our goal of completing it! So stay tune and look out for the following day's post!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 4

Day 4 in to the project!

I have made some progress finally to finishing this awesome model!

Here are close-ups on the fires on the legs and the pose that I made it:

I made the legs to look like it is charging into combat or maybe running across the battlefield. After all, I love their fluff, hence the pose since they like close combat.

Remember the ribcage on the chest armour? Well, I finished it at long last. Took me to allow the the Kneadatite to set 3 times to finally get it how I want. It is completed by have the spine to be a little raised like the original model. 

I know the original model has a line separating the ribs into two. But I would only consider doing it after I finished everything as I want to see how it looks like as a whole model first before I move on to the next course of action.

It wouldn't be good looking if the flames are all just a little raised on the armour and all. Hence I believe I should give it some extra motivation. 

I added flames to the plasma pistol, having them come out from the sides of the front vents and finally converging in the middle of the pistol as shown in the middle shot of the pistol. There is going to be loads of work to get it painted.

(Left view)

(Middle view. Notice the middle between the two flames is empty)

(Right view)

I did the same thing with the power axe I gave it. I let the flames come out from the two ends of the axe. As I wanted the axe to be swinging down on it's foe, I let the flames move in two different directions. As shown in the first picture, the flames both move in the anti-clockwise direction.

(Right view)

(Left view)

So this is all the progress I made today. Took a lot of work to finish the flames., but seeing the outcome tells me it is worth it. Furthermore, more progress was made today, so I was pretty happy. Seeing how this miniature is beginning to finish makes me jumping with excitement. But I shall not be too excited and slack down as it would cause the downfall of all my efforts.

So stay tune for the next day of this project. Do look out for it as you would not want to miss it.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 3

Progress is getting very slow today. Though I managed to finish off what I have wanted.

On the chest armour, I added the ribs where you would actually be able to see from the actual model of a Damned Legionary. The middle part which is the spine I think was actually done yesterday rather then today as I forgot to post it up.

Furthermore, I added fires to the leg armours and one of the shoulder pad to make it look like the original model, but I seemed to have overdone it. 

Here is a snap shot of everything:

From the fluff, there is supposed to be fires all around his body rather then just small little raised parts from the armour. Hence I am looking into how to make fires around the armour to make it look real like warp fires burning off at their armour while at the same time making it look menacing, deadly and real.

Tomorrow will be to figure out a good post to make it look unique and also like charging into close combat.

From the fluff, Damned Legionaries loves to fight in close combat, firing at point blank range. However, from the range of miniature I saw, only a handful depicts it. Hence I decided to give it a power axe. Since they favour plasma weapons too, plasma pistol is my choice for the sergeant.

Hopefully I can come up with an awesome looking pose tomorrow for it so stay tune as I go about for the pose. I would also finish the last touch up for the chest armour.


Project Legion of the Damned Day 2.2(although posted on Day 3)

I believe u all should know what this is about. So this is a post for Day 2 still but another part.
Have been working on the rough edges and the shoulder pad. Tell me what are your views about it

Monday, March 10, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 2

Welcome to project Day 2!

You must be wondering what happened on Day 1 as there is no post about Day 1. So what happened to it?

Well Day 1 was basically just cleaning up the plastics and planning how to do it. So nothing really happened, thus I decided not to post it.

Now lets get back to Day 2!!!

I got out my Army Painter sculpting tools and Kneadatite and started working on the first miniature for this project which I decided to do, which is the sergeant. I wanted the sergeant to be more different then the others which I would work on in due time. Hence I settled for a half helmet half skull helmet for it. 

I took a helmet with a sharp point and flattened it.

After cleaning it up, I began making the face to something like this:

Sculpting is not very well down but I would settle for it. Would add in some extras if I decided it would look nicer.

That's all for this day, but I am now working on the shoulder pad with the skull and as I have actually severed several joints of the armour, I would finish the day's project by covering the cut marks of the joints and try to make it look brand new. Also I have already started working on part of the chest armour to make a ribcage like design.

Hopefully I could get more progress tomorrow as I was pretty lazy today and headed out for a movie with my friends. Thus the slow progress.

I should be able to make some of the fires tomorrow on the armour, so we will see how it goes.


Friday, March 7, 2014

The Imperial Fist Question

So right now I have been caught in a confusion for quite a while now and I decided I would like all viewers to help me decide on my next step.

The question is:  

Should I strip my very first and only Imperial Fist guy and repaint it again?

So a poll have been set up to garner your views on this question.




(Left side of miniature)

(Right side of miniature)

I know some of you may find this question a little bit weird like why am I asking all of you this question. Now that is because I value your views. If possible, do indicate a reason as to why you have chosen your selection for the poll at the comments area of this post.

In other news, I have registered, paid and submitted my Valhallan Ice Warrior for the competition. So do look out for any updates on it.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Sneak Peak of my Valhallan Ice Warrior

After hours and hours of work, it is finally completed soon. And by hours, I literally mean it. I spent like 10 hours on this guy. My hand was shivering like mad when I am finally done.

Here it is, a sneak peak on what is to come in the near future: Valhallan Ice Warrior with a meltagun.

Hopefully I could get a Winterial up in images. But one thing I am unsure of is that there seems to be some images missing. But don't worry, the Winterial will still be up. I will explain to you as best as I could if the image is missing. I would try to put something solid there as an example for you if possible. If at any point of time when the explanation is unclear, feel free to state it in the comment and I will do my best to help you with it.

So give me your ideas on the colour scheme and the snow base which I tried out for the very first time. If there are any improvements that needs to be made, do let me know.

Stay tune as I consolidate the pictures for this painting Winterial!


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shopping List Status: Complete

The last shopping have finally been finished with all the materials needed to paint a Valhallan Ice Warrior. Though it may not be as good as those you see out there, but it could at least give an idea on how you could go about to do it.

Went to look for some inspirations on the Internet yesterday and I realised something crucial: I found no tutorials on how to paint a Valhallan Ice Warrior. Plus there are quite a few colour schemes to get around and try out with. As for my colour scheme, it is going to be quite unique. I spent an entire day figuring out what paints to use.

(The last items to get)

In other news, the knights are already out at a local store near me. Though the boxes are stacked up and the prices not really visibly seen, I managed to peek find out what is the price of the knight. That is $190 after members discount. 


Guess I have to safe faster to reach a budget to get one of these. Seeing how some people bought four at one go just makes me tempted to follow suit.

Ah well, time to work on my Valhallan guy. Catch you all in the next blog post!
