Friday, March 14, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 6

Let's get on to business!

I removed the banner from the backpack as it is too heavy for the miniature to support the weight. Hence I decided I could use it as an objective for my games.

I added a horizontal pole to the banner and added a thin piece of green stuff to the cross point to make it look like there is something holding the two pole together.

I added the Kneadatite to the arms and attached it to the body to make it look like he is about to swing his axe down on his foe. To make things worse in this process is the axe is too heavy and I had to hold on to it with some sticky putty and several bits here and there to keep it in the position I want while it dries.

And that is the end!

I am happy with the overall result of this guy. Photos are all below and a little bit of fluff would be added further down the post.





Personally as a really big fluff lover, I decided to make a fluff story for this guy:

As the battle raged on, the iron warriors were gaining the upper hand to take the last standing fortified bastion. The Imperial Fists desperately holds off their foes along with the remaining Imperial Guard forces.
When the frontline collapses, all hope seems lost for the Imperial defenders.

Suddenly, figures in black armour emerged among the Iron Warriors, their armours writhed with psychic flame, their helmet lenses, cold as death.

Without a word spoken or any order given, they charged into the Iron Warriors, catching them by surprise, breaking their ranks. Among the warriors of doom is one exceptional figure. Carrying a plasma pistol and an axe, he cleaved through Iron Warrior's armour with ease, his wrath is unstoppable. 

The Iron Warriors are soon in full retreat and the black figures disappear as soon as they arrive, leaving no trace of their ever existence except for the carnage they wrought against the Iron Warriors.


So this is the fluff that you have read for my guy.

Just to end this off, a sneak peak on how the objective would look like for the Legion of the Damned.

In Dedicato Imperatum Ultra Articulo Mortis


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