Sunday, April 6, 2014

New stuff in to paint!

Headed down to a local Game shop earlier today at lunch time to collect these awesome miniatures that one of my friend decided to let go of as he has too many models at home. So I decided to get some from him, since they are quite worth the money to me. $110 for everything below! 

1. 19 Starship Troopers Mobile Infantry miniatures.

These miniatures are a must buy to me when I have the chance as I can't find them anywhere else any more. I liked these models too as they are in metal, since I always preferred metal to plastic models, also with something new to paint.

Furthermore, they are all mounted on 25mm bases. Hence they are also a great boost to my current Imperial Guard army. 

2. Chaos Terminator Squad.

Always wanted to own one of these set at the very least. It included only four plastic terminators but there is the good part where I get another terminator body in metal. Not only is it metal that excites me, but it is the metal body of Abaddon the Despoiler! Thus this model is going to be fun to work with.

Night Lords have also been my favourite chaos force. They dislike the Imperium very much but they dislike chaos just as much too.

3. 24 Genestealers.

Tyranids are models which you would want to collect even though you don't play them, especially genestealers. I liked them because of all the Ciaphas Cain novels that I read. They are fun to pose with your current models and look great even when you proxy them in your army! (That's what I plan to do!)

16 of these models are normal genestealers, 6 of which are normal genestealers with rending claws. The remaining 2 is also with rending claws, but what makes them so special is that they both have the heads of a tyranid lictor. I remember I saw this image somewhere but I can't give a name to this kind of genestealers at the moment.

Furthermore, bits bag! He also included four cool scenic bases for miniatures, probably to use for decorating and all that kind of stuff. Many heads and arms of the genestealers. I can already see my bases of the Imperial Guard Veterans to have those as war trophies and also have them on the base, like they are fighting against tyranid genestealers!

With so many ideas coming into my mind, I can't wait to get started!


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