Friday, January 16, 2015

Mortar team completed!

So here I am finally back home, completing some stuff, tying up some loose ends. The long awaited Imperial Guard/ Astra Militarum mortar team. Its just one as I only finished one, but I find this a great accomplishment as this was the first basing that I actually went through great lengths and thoughts to finish it. Comments and criticism are all welcomed as this help me to improve.





The top view actually makes the scene more obvious, like being in the middle of the fighting. As the crew race against time to fire their mortar into enemy lines, their position scattered with their equipment, hastily put aside to support their brothers fighting at the frontline.

This would actually be my main mortar team among the 3 which they have in a squad, hence the vox-caster, receiving coordinates and transmitting them to the other teams. 

So that's all for today's post. Do let me know your views on this! Follow my blog to receive more cool posts!


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