Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Legion of the Damned Finale post

As I work on my converted scions, I couldn't help but keep thinking of finishing up these guys, so i finally spent the past few days happily making it into perfection.

For the sergeant in the middle, I added the soft armor as I didn't have it when I first did it, which could be found at some post long time ago. 

The Damned Legionnaire at the most left has an arm carrying the bolter with his left hand. This was by far one of the hardest converting that I actually did. I have the urge to make some videos on how to do it, so that space marines army wouldn't be limited to only right hand bolters. If I remember correctly, space wolves has left arm bolters but with the wolf iconography, so changing one yourself might be more worth it. 

The guy at the most right has a bayonet fixed onto his bolter as I wanted him to have a pose that shows him charging and firing his bolter at the same time.

All shoulder pads and armor have been sculpted using green stuff. I then assembled these guys as shown using a non-hardening putty as I have the habit of putting them together only after I have painted them all up ( looks at unassembled army at the side of the room ) For the greenstuff I used 2 part yellow to 1 part blue as I wanted it to be soft for easy modelling.

So that's all for my Damned Legionnaires, hope you guys like it, comments and criticism are welcomed. Hopefully I can get the scions ready within a week, so do look out for it. See you guys later.


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