Saturday, June 21, 2014

How long has it been?

How long has it been already? Coped up at home just to finish up the Imperial Fists terminator sergeant. On the last count, I have already spent 16 hours on it already. Finally, here is the final product.

Before looking at the pictures, just to let you all know that I forgot that I have already used up my glue. So the pictures are the bits and pieces of the terminator after it is painted. Once I get my hands on the glue, I would show my fully built sergeant again.

(body and shield)

(bits and pieces)


So I chose a helmeted head for the sergeant, since he is going to post with Lysander and I don't want him to steal all the light. Plus I am bad at painting skin.

After thoughts now. I am going to stop painting yellow for the time being. Took me a whole 10 layers of yellow just to finish up the armour. Lots of repainting, drastically lowering the quality of my terminator. The eyes are actually green with a white dot at the top middle of the eye. Why? Well I was hoping for it to be at the edge like light but my brush dotted it in the middle and it is beyond my ability to change it. My brush is sacrificed. Yes, the fifth brush to meet it's fate while painting this guy, thus the many repainting.

Overall, it was a cool guy to paint. I was hoping to finish the squad but I guess I would stop it for a few days, let my eyes rest and also get my glue. So see you all soon!


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