Friday, September 26, 2014

Rhino, Assault Marines, Fire Hawks

So I have not been posting anything on a regular basis, so I guess I would just update you guys on what I am working on for the past few days, though it not really is much.

A week ago, I built myself a Rhino that I got from a friend, one which I bought. The thing is he didn't provide me with any instructions. Thus I based on the picture that I got from the Games Workshop site, I went on and built it. Took me quite a while to finish up the tank tracks but I got it. And there it is completed:

I left the top hatch opened so I can store up some of those bits that I got that I don't want to glue on, such as the side hatch and the pintle mounted storm bolter, It makes a good storage space if you ask me, being able to keep spare bits inside. 

I have been wondering what colour scheme should I paint? Imperial Fists or Fire Hawks? I got a few Fire Hawks marines done and once I finish the squad, I would post some pictures on it up. There wasn't much information by Games Workshop what paints is recommended for Fire Hawks, so this paint scheme was actually after a long period of trail and error. I did freehand for the shoulder pads too.

I have also been working on some assault marines. I hope to be able to complete them soon and probably make a painting Winterial out of it. These assault marines are going to be in blood angels colours, I was hoping to use them as an ally for my Astra Militarum, after I saw the effectiveness of their work in some battle reports. Blood Angels are definitely on the list.

So that's all for now. Hopefully I can finish up everything on hand real quickly so that I can finally get some solid post up on my blog as well as my youtube channel.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Youtube Account is finally up with my very first vid!

I guess I have not been posting for quite a long while although my holidays started half a month ago. Haven't really been doing much through the holidays besides playing some computer games all that. Just when I decided to have a game of 40k, I fell sick.

Hence I decided to take my time now to write a blog post.

I have actually set up a youtube account with my very first unboxing video on the Astra Militarum Officio Perfectus Commissar.

The link is here:

Do subscribe to my channel for more videos, like this video, give some comments. Your suggestions are always helpful in giving me ideas on how to improve.

That's all for this post I guess. So see you all soon!!!!
