Friday, September 26, 2014

Rhino, Assault Marines, Fire Hawks

So I have not been posting anything on a regular basis, so I guess I would just update you guys on what I am working on for the past few days, though it not really is much.

A week ago, I built myself a Rhino that I got from a friend, one which I bought. The thing is he didn't provide me with any instructions. Thus I based on the picture that I got from the Games Workshop site, I went on and built it. Took me quite a while to finish up the tank tracks but I got it. And there it is completed:

I left the top hatch opened so I can store up some of those bits that I got that I don't want to glue on, such as the side hatch and the pintle mounted storm bolter, It makes a good storage space if you ask me, being able to keep spare bits inside. 

I have been wondering what colour scheme should I paint? Imperial Fists or Fire Hawks? I got a few Fire Hawks marines done and once I finish the squad, I would post some pictures on it up. There wasn't much information by Games Workshop what paints is recommended for Fire Hawks, so this paint scheme was actually after a long period of trail and error. I did freehand for the shoulder pads too.

I have also been working on some assault marines. I hope to be able to complete them soon and probably make a painting Winterial out of it. These assault marines are going to be in blood angels colours, I was hoping to use them as an ally for my Astra Militarum, after I saw the effectiveness of their work in some battle reports. Blood Angels are definitely on the list.

So that's all for now. Hopefully I can finish up everything on hand real quickly so that I can finally get some solid post up on my blog as well as my youtube channel.


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