Thursday, January 15, 2015

For far too long

Sorry guys, have been too caught up of late through the few months with all the examinations rolling in and also all the festival preparation all that.

Probably one of the thing I spent my time mostly on would actually be a game that downloaded under pressure from my friend. This game is called League of Legends. Guess many of you would have heard of it. I wasn't really addicted to the game, rather I was playing with my friends most of my time.

I have this friend that always said I wouldn't play well and always wanted me to do better. So I played many different champions. Right now after quite a lot of hard work on that game, I have beaten him in the game and he could no longer blame me for losing that game. Therefore here I am back to writing posts for you guys.

So I thought I wanted to update you on the upcoming stuff that I would be posting, though my finals are coming. I finished one mortar team and wanted you guys to check it out, give me some comments and criticism, right after I get home.

I am also re-working on my Imperial Fists as I couldn't get a nice yellow and have been striping the paint over and over again. But I think I finally got the color that I like, not too dark and not too bright. The paints on it might be edgy when I show you guys the picture but it is mostly due to stripping of the paint far too many times and also the drying up of my yellow.

I guess that's about all I have for now. Once again, I apologize for being missing for well over 3 months. But I am back, so have no worries!


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