Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Star Wars Break!!!!

Hey guys, its been a long time. I finally got time to write my blog ( Its e-learning and I'm getting a bad headache )

As you all know Star Wars episode 7 : The Force Awakens is coming out soon in December. As a huge Star Wars fan, I decided to take time to head down to one of the department stores about 2 weeks back and score! I found awesome Star Wars products that was actually on a discounted price.

This was the first thing I scored. Commander Cody was bought some time ago but due to the price, i haven't been able to complete this collection. But on that day, I saw what I needed to complete this collection, and I bought Rex and Gree. It is sad that I did not get to see Commander Fox as it was not available. But nevertheless, I managed to complete my set of 3, which off course also finishes the exclusive parts to complete a Jetpack trooper. :D

Next up would be this guy here^. Ever since I watched Star Wars The Clone Wars, I couldn't help but see lots of 501st legion clone troopers, but they never really left an impression on me. But towards season 6 of Star Wars The Clone Wars, where they showed the episode that Fives died, they left a great impression on me. They all had the same haircut, they worked as a whole. Even though they could not help but to kill Fives, they felt sad about it. Like they could have prevented it yet unable to do anything to stop it. i cried when Captain Rex cried, I cried when they all removed their helmets, as a last respect to Fives. Most importantly, they removed their helmet to remind everyone that they are the same: Clones of the Grand Republic.

I actually considered getting more sideshow clones from the department store, but my wallet warned me that it is already too skinny. Thus I only managed to bring home these 3 boxes. Although there was a feeling of disappointment, but at least I felt fulfilled when I completed my collection.

Next up to join in to the Star Wars craze would be I downloaded a Star Wars Venator Class Star Destroyer. It was one of the most detailed papercraft model that I have ever built:

The link to his page is: http://www.momirfarooq.com/index.htm

The beauty about this model is that it is extremely detailed in its art. Besides that, the model itself was so magnificent. Its sad that my glue smudged the ink of the Star Destroyer a bit (The most obvious parts would be the base of the bridge, though its not obvious in the photo due to the lighting, but its blue.)

I decided to make a tutorial when I get the chance on making this beauty. What to take note off and how to get the best out of it. I did not glue this cruiser to the base for easy storage, but for some models, such as the V-19 Torrent, it is inevitable that you have to glue it to the base to display the model.

So that's all for today, hope you guys enjoy my blog post. What are you waiting for? Download now and start building your very own Venator Class Star Destroyer. And I will see you guys in the next post. :D


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