Monday, February 17, 2014

Da Squig

Hey all!

Sorry for not posting after so long. I have not really been active in making or converting any stuff and with my Imperial Guard army waiting in line to be painted, my time is really tied up.

I was sealing the slotted bases with Kneadatite Greenstuff and got quite a small bunch of it as an extra. Though the additional Kneadatite may not be useful for large scratch building, but on the plus side, I got something made out of it. 

And that is Da Squig!

Front view:

Side view:

The Squig which I made is about half an inch tall and three quarters an inch in length. Not a very big model but still lovely to me, though the details isn't really on it.

Who doesn't love Squigs?

Squigs are like one of first favourite xenos in the 40k Universe. I first knew them through the first book for the 40k Universe which I read: 'Rebel Winter' by Steve Parker. 

This book was also the book which lead me into starting Warhammer 40k.

The Squigs only featured at a small portion in the book but got me captivated ever since.

My thought was to get myself some squigs, but in those days, I only managed to find bomb Squigs for the 40k Universe that were in metal. When I finally got down and decided to get myself those Squigs, they became unavailable. 

I actually thought of getting for myself the Orks tankbustus that comes with two bomb squigs but I never got down to get it.

That was until a few weeks back that I saw the Warhammer Fantasy too had Squigs. But sadly they were in finecast. Though the details were good, I considered probably not to get it. 

Hence, until now where I finally decided I want a Squig! So with spare Kneadatite on my hands, I got down to it and finished it up. Though the Squig may be smaller as compared to standard sized Squigs, but I was pretty happy with the results. That is especially so when I spent close to three hours to have it completed!

This gets me tempted to get myself some Squigs from the Games Workshop site but with the new Imperial Guard edition looming closer by the day and some solid rumours of awesome looking Paladin Knights just round the curb, Squigs are sadly pushed aside for now.

Stay tuned for more cool looking scratch build and all! I hope to create more details when I scratch build in the future, so do look out for it!


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