Monday, February 24, 2014

Foam Miniature (Catachan) Winterial 02

Hey all!

Welcome back to the foam miniature Winterial part 2!

In this part, I will finish up the lasguns, the skin areas and the pose of the miniature. So let's begin!

Step 1:

I would like to start off with the lasgun for the Catachan first. Cut out a strip of black foam paper with the thickness of 6mm as shown in Pict 1.

Next, cut out from this strip of black foam a length of 26mm as shown in Pict 2.

Step 2:

Now, we do some markings on this black piece of foam. On one side of it's length, mark out two points, the first being on one side 5mm and the other side 8mm. This can be seen in Pict 3.

Using the markings made, remove them with a breadth of approximately 1mm as shown in Pict 4.

Step 3:

At the side where the 8mm  piece was removed, remove another at the bottom of it as shown in Pict 5 but now of breadth 2mm. If you are unsure how thick the breadth is, just cut our one piece that is twice the breadth of the piece removed above it.

Step 4:

The shorter end with the 5mm length piece removed is the butt of the rifle. From the top, measure down 4mm at the edge of the black foam as shown on the left of Pict 6. The other would be 2mm down at the point where the 5mm ended previously. This is as shown at the right side of the Pict 6. Mark these two points out.

Cut it diagonally between the two points marked out and remove it as shown in Pict 7.

Step 5:

Now, the base of the rifle should be clear. At the base, remove at the end nearer the butt of the rifle a 4mm strip of foam of breadth 1mm as shown at the left of Pict 8. Remove another at the end nearer to the barrel of the rifle but this time, remove one that is 5mm in length and 1mm in diameter as shown on the right side of Pict 8.

Step 6:

Now, cut a grey piece of foam 3mm X 3mm and attach it to the base of the rifle where a platform like area is protruding outwards as shown in the middle of the rifle in Pict 9. 

Also, cut out a piece of black foam 3mm X 3mm too and attach it near the butt of the rifle as shown in Pict 9. This acts as the handle of the rifle.

The rifle is complete.

Step 7:

Now for the upper arm. Cut out a trip of foam from skin colour that has a thickness of 5mm. After which, measure 7mm on one side and 5mm on the other and cut diagonally between the two points as shown in Pict 10. You will need to repeat this four times as you need four pieces of this.

To cut it out easier, after cutting out the first piece, use it as a template to cut out the rest by aligning it with the foam strip and cutting out the remaining pieces which is shown in Pict 11.

Glue two pieces to each other to form a pair of upper arms as shown in Pict 12.

Step 8:

Using the same technique and measurement, repeat for the lower arm. The only difference is that the foam strip used now is 4mm in thickness rather than the previous 5mm thickness of the upper arm.

Pict 13 shows that you would end up probably about the same as the upper arm except for a slight difference. Hence remember to keep the upper and lower arm separated and not confuse them together.

Step 9:

As for the head, us two square pieces of size 4mm X 4mm foam and attach them together to form a star. From the top, it should look something like Pict 14.

Step 10:

Attach a red piece of dimensions 5mm X 5mm and attach it to one side of the star with a little protruding out at all four directions as shown in Pict 15. Remember that the red piece must always follow the piece of the foam that is is attached to in terms of where it's sides are pointed towards to.

Step 11:

At the red portion still showing fully (flip the head over), glue a piece of black foam of dimensions 4mm X 4mm on top of the head as shown in Pict 16.

The head is completed.

Step 12:

Hands are of dimensions 5mm X 5mm. You need two of it.

Step 13:

Attach the arms in the position you like and glue the rifle on. You can pick the pose you want. In all the Pict 17 that I took, it shows you the right side, front and left side view of the Catachan respectively.

Step 14:

Now attach the head when the pose you chose is dried. The pointed side of the top of the head is the nose while the flat side at the bottom is the jaw. My Catachan is firing his rifle, so it is facing you at Pict 18.

Pict 19 shows what to take note of the head, which is that it must be in the middle of the top of the miniature or the middle of the last piece of green foam at the top.

That's the end of part 2. But do not worry if you think this is the end of this Winterial. No! There is a part 3 coming up soon so do look out for it.


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