Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Imperial Fists Terminator Sergeant finally complete!

With my examinations coming, I decided to do something unproductive towards it and finish up my Imperial Fists terminator sergeant. It has been such a long time since I last got in touch with my hobby of painting and now I have finally finished it.

Enjoy the pictures!!!!!!





I would most probably finish up the remaining of his squad the moment my examinations finish and start working on the normal marines.

Remember the paints I stripped off of some marines some days back? Well, they would be the test models for the Blood Ravens! So stay tune for more updates. There won't be much these coming days but once my examinations finish, be prepared to read loads of posts!!!!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Back after so long!

Sorry all for not posting for so long, have been quite busy through the month. So hopefully you guys are still with me.

Cutting to the chase, here's the Imperial Fists Terminator with his base almost complete. Yes, I found a suitable flooring for my terminator base. So all that's left for this guy is some touch up on the yellow and also painting up the base. Hopefully I could finish it this week or once my exams finish after August.

Though busy I may be, I still managed to find time to go down to my local hobby store to pick up this cool box! STORMCLAW! I had it reserved a week before it's release and about 2 - 3 days ago I picked it up the day it was released. Hope to open it up soon but I guess as always, exams are more important.

I had finally decided to strip the paint off my Imperial Fist space marine, 3 of them, one fully painted, one partially painted and one only primed. As you can see the fully painted one did not really come off much, though I am quite happy with the results. As a second time, I guess it is already pretty good. All I did was to soak it in dettol for an entire week and begin scrubbing it off for half a day. Tiring work I must say. The partially painted one fared better, since there was no varnish over it, unlike the other marine. The primed one seems to be the one that have not been affected at all, being same as before it went into the dettol. That's one strong primer I got there!

I plan to apint these guys blood ravens now, so we will see how that goes!

That's all for today, hope you guys enjoy this post. nothing much but there will be a great amount of time spent on my hobby seen. See you all later!


Saturday, July 5, 2014

A lucky drop to the shop

So school have started and test dates are already beginning to surface and show themselves. But I still managed to find time to get What I want.

I managed to get my hands on the last novel for The Macharian Crusade trilogy. Now I can officially start reading the trilogy. And if you are wondering, well I usually prefer to start at the first novel and go all the way throughout the series without stopping unless the stories are able to be read alone such as some of the Horus Heresy novels. This was the last book, luckily I managed to get it or it would be a big trouble to get my hands on it.

The second thing I got was a pack of 4 boyz. Now I only need 3 more boxes of these to make myself 20 boyz. A slow collection but worthwhile, since I am planning to paint slowly for this one and stop myself from buying too much at a go. I also got Biel-tan green to prepare the painting schedules, which starts off once the holiday starts!!

So what have you guys been doing these days. Share your hobby stories!!!!!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

More goodiness added!

Too long away from the hobby does not stop me from it. So here's a list of what I have been doing for the past few days.

I bought the Warhammer Visions at a low cost at a hardware store. I at first did not wanted to buy it because of the price, but I looked at the price and man the price was too good to miss. Though they are about a month late, but the price is worth.

I am starting to like this book, especially the Golden Demon Award pictures. Those miniatures are painted so well that my army looks like a part od it's shadow only.

Next, I have been working on the Prospero Burns novel of the Horus Heresy series. It has a very cool story line and the more I read it, the more I start to like the wolves.

I finished my Imperial Fists terminator a while back but what caught my attention was the colour difference between the normal marine and the terminator. The colours are obviously way apart although I used the same yellow. I am going to figure that part out. In the mean time, The pictures of the terminator. Time to think of an awesome base for it!


See y'all soon!
