Saturday, July 5, 2014

A lucky drop to the shop

So school have started and test dates are already beginning to surface and show themselves. But I still managed to find time to get What I want.

I managed to get my hands on the last novel for The Macharian Crusade trilogy. Now I can officially start reading the trilogy. And if you are wondering, well I usually prefer to start at the first novel and go all the way throughout the series without stopping unless the stories are able to be read alone such as some of the Horus Heresy novels. This was the last book, luckily I managed to get it or it would be a big trouble to get my hands on it.

The second thing I got was a pack of 4 boyz. Now I only need 3 more boxes of these to make myself 20 boyz. A slow collection but worthwhile, since I am planning to paint slowly for this one and stop myself from buying too much at a go. I also got Biel-tan green to prepare the painting schedules, which starts off once the holiday starts!!

So what have you guys been doing these days. Share your hobby stories!!!!!


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