Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tau colour scheme test 1

With my crisis suit built, I decided to come up with a colour scheme. I do not like the colour scheme provided for the fire caste and decided to do something neutral. This is so that they might one day serve by the side of my guards.

I came up with the colour scheme to be full black, with the metal parts being used with nuln oil. Light blue was used alongside dark grey. I am so excited about this colour scheme that I am tempted to make a tutorial out of it!

Some looks on the tau gundrone:

Gundrone in action (I can't find a suitable background, best I got):

See you all soon!!!!!!
Great stress relieve when examinations are so near!!!


Friday, August 15, 2014

eBay buy arrived!

My eBay order came in a few days ago, but I wasn't home to collect, so I have to make a trip down to the post office. Thankfully my dad helped me get it and thus here I am showing what I have gotten.

The package came as a small cardboard box. The miniatures were bubble wrapped and placed in the middle of some kind of soft cotton.

As follows, at the right is Captain Romero. From the left top to bottom is Catachan Jungle fighter with meltagun, trooper black and eversor assassin respectively.

These were great buys and it was in my deep regret that I have not gotten more of these miniatures. All I have to do is hope for the best till my next birthday, or hopefully get some by Christmas. 

See you all soon!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tau coming!

So during the weekend I went to my local hobby store as there was a discount, or sort of like a discount: Spend above $250 and get the specific few items to be 49% off. So I went to grab only a few items. They are the bretonnian army box, Khorne berzerkers, and a Imperialis basing kit which I plan to use on some of my cadians once those stressful examinations end. The two items that I got off the 49% was just a Tau crisis suit and the necron spyder.

So to cope with the stress, I have built up the tau crisis suit. 

Since this was my first crisis suit, I decided to make him look like he is floating in air, probably just descending upon the world he is about to conquer. I have decided to also get two more crisis suits together with him to the left and right, both halfway down shooting to the left and right respectively.

I armed him with everything I though was pretty cool, have his arms open like an invitation for an attack. Plus I decided to have the shield on the base, such that it would mark him out as a leader and also for the Tau transfer to go on, For the Greater Good!

That's all for today so see you guys soon! Time to dig out my pathfinder squad and craft out a unique paint scheme for it!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy National Day painting chaos cultist!!

It's been a while since I am back in front of my painting table working on my next project. With the examinations nearing and stress level increasing, the National Day celebration yesterday, 9 August, was well timed, allowing myself to start my painting as a way to de-stress myself.

Thus I managed to finish up the remaining three chaos cultists to take a group shot:

These cultists are more the followers of Khorne, hence I painted these guys in red and black. As you can see, it is the dominant colour for all cultists. 

These are really awesome miniatures, they come with more details than you can hope for, making it sometimes tiring to paint up all those tiny details. But they are one of the coolest miniatures that I can find in the chaos section, other than the chaos raptors.

I am now looking forward to finish my examinations soon (._.) that will last for three weeks, it has already started last Friday. Hopefully I can get through the examinations quickly and start painting again. I plan to finish up my youtube channel so I can post some videos on, plus some tutorials. Hopefully I can also get more cultists, making a tutorial out of it.

Thank you all for reading. And Happy National Day!!! (which was yesterday)
