Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy National Day painting chaos cultist!!

It's been a while since I am back in front of my painting table working on my next project. With the examinations nearing and stress level increasing, the National Day celebration yesterday, 9 August, was well timed, allowing myself to start my painting as a way to de-stress myself.

Thus I managed to finish up the remaining three chaos cultists to take a group shot:

These cultists are more the followers of Khorne, hence I painted these guys in red and black. As you can see, it is the dominant colour for all cultists. 

These are really awesome miniatures, they come with more details than you can hope for, making it sometimes tiring to paint up all those tiny details. But they are one of the coolest miniatures that I can find in the chaos section, other than the chaos raptors.

I am now looking forward to finish my examinations soon (._.) that will last for three weeks, it has already started last Friday. Hopefully I can get through the examinations quickly and start painting again. I plan to finish up my youtube channel so I can post some videos on, plus some tutorials. Hopefully I can also get more cultists, making a tutorial out of it.

Thank you all for reading. And Happy National Day!!! (which was yesterday)


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