Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Final Fantasy 13 - Going for it

Hey all, sorry for not being able to post on this blog for so long. Have been kind of busy with nothing much of interest to write about. But today is different, its e-learning and I get to have some free time to finally continue blogging.

Recently (probably about 1-2 weeks ago) I started being in to Final Fantasy 13. It was one of the nicest game that I have seen, although some disagrees. The characters in the story are all pretty awesome to me. I spent the whole of at least 1 week watching through the gameplay of all 3 in the series as I do not have the game.

Just last week (Sunday 15 May 2016), I went with two of my good friends, Aimran and Fabien, to follow me along to a shop that specially sells anime stuff. My main aim that day was to try to find the Play Arts kai version of all 3 different Lightning. But they told me they didn't sell it anymore, what I see is all they have. Hence, I decided to walk around the shop, looking around the display cabinets with my friends and I found this:

Top row: Serah, Lightning
Bottom row: Jihl, Sazh, Hope

Sorry about the poor quality photo, I will post up much clearer pictures after I clean them up as after all, this was a display set. Although I was not able to get what I wanted at first, but I was still able to get the models that I am also going for.

This 5 figures cost me $115.

Hopefully I can get a display case before I take them out for cleaning.

See you all in the next post, that's all for today :D


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