Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Tenebrose Legion

Hey all, its been such a long time since I wrote a post for my blog. Really missed updating stuff into here for myself. So here it is. (Story After Pictures :D)

I have been working on my custom Imperial Guard, Astra Militarum force. Wanted to go for the Vostroyan Firstborns but I it doesn't fit the story I wanted. So they might appear in the future but as for now, presenting to you the Tenebrose Legion.

Spent a while painting them as I have been really busy but its finally done. Rather the Infantry is done for now anyways, going to add more slowly in the future.

Group Shot

Command Squad - Captain 'Mad Hound' Dynch

The 'First Rank Fire Second Rank Fire' Squad - 1st Squad

The 'Fixed Bayonet' Squad - 2nd Squad

 3rd Squad

4th Squad

A total of 45 bodies and counting. I'll post up some pictures of other warriors of Tenebrose that I have worked on in another future post. As for now, enjoy the backstory:

The Tenebrose Legion

Once a proud and noble system, the Tenebrose system. The men of Tenebrose march forward into the stars, waging wars in the Emperor’s name. Purging the xenos, killing the heretics. An unbreakable sword as they pierced through the stars, claiming victory after victory.

Though strong and proud they may be, they yearn to return home one day, as all men does when the fighting finally ends. But to all, such was the dreams that can never be fulfilled.

When the chance came to them to return, they never knew it was to be under such circumstance. The Tenebrose Grand Fleet was sent back to their home, not as victors; not as heroes, but as enemies. While they raged war across the stars, their home fell into darkness. Chaos set its roots deep into the core and plunged the whole system into fear and horror.

Rage and anger consumed all of the Tenebrose warriors as they crashed right into the chaos fleet in the system. Calling vengeance from all Tenebrose, a total of 7 Grand Fleet of Tenebrose came home, annihilating the chaos fleet in a show of force and made straight for home.

In a single order, tens of thousands of dropships made haste to the surface alongside at least a million Tenebrose scions teleporting onto the planet surface. What they saw was no longer what they remember as home. The Emperor’s monuments defiled, chaos banners flew high in the wind, demons unleashed across the entire lands. What was once the proud and noble warriors of the Tenebrose are now but mutant cultist of chaos.

Bitter fighting soon ensued as the order to retreat came. Harried by the merciless demons and cultists, barely a quarter of the fighting force made it back to orbit. There was no more hope for what they call home. This no longer is their home.

Though reluctant, the command was given, Exterminatus Extremis. The Grand Fleets of Tenebrose unleashed their fury unto the heretics who defiled their home. Watching with heavy heart and tears within the eyes of every warrior, they watched their home slowly killed off.

One by one, the planets within the system ruptured and exploded under the full fury of the Grand Fleets. Within the month, there was no life left within the Tenebrose system. The asteroids, what was once the planets of the Tenebrose system, was all that’s left.

The Inquisition saw to it that Tenebrose system will never surface upon the maps the Imperium again. Only those of Tenebrose shall know of this place. The warriors of Tenebrose are henceforth labelled as traitors of the Imperium.

Carrying the scars of this tragedy, the warriors of Tenebrose seek to redeem themselves through combat into death. They seek to redeem their tarnished name and avenge those who sacrificed defending their home.

The last seen of the warriors of Tenebrose, now calling themselves the Tenebrose Legion, was at the very edge of the Emperor’s Astronomican.

Some claim to have seen them fought against the heretical fleets of chaos, others claim they single-handedly halted the advance a splinter hive fleet leviathan at the far flung reaches of the sector. Yet these reports were placed into confidence.

As till now, the fate of the Tenebrose Legion slowly unfolds into a bitter end.

This is just a backstory, a history of the Tenebrose hidden dark past. Stay tuned to look out for the second part as to what they have been doing :D and I'll see y'all in the next post.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Final Fantasy 13 - No. 1 Lightning Static Arts Bust

Hey all. So it's been a while as I look around my hobby stores and all. I actually thought for a long moment whether it was worth the money to get my hands on the static arts bust for Lightning. But in the end, I finally gave in and bought it :D

I would like to thank my friends to point it out to me on Friday when we went out for a walk around. Me being always kind of lost in my thoughts missed this beauty. My friend who saw it pointed it out to me. It was at that time that I knew I must add this to my collection (though they now mostly sit in their box beside my table as I try desperately to find space for them on the shelf).

With a over-strained tendon in my leg that I had after a fall in June, I partially limped my way up to the store to go grab it. Being the last in the store, since normal stores don't normally carry such goods from square enix unless someone orders it in the store during pre-order period. But even then it is not confirmed that it would arrive in the store.

So here it is:

It was a really well made figure to be really honest. Extremely well detailed in my opinion and a great collection to anybody who loves to display such a beauty or to even just own it. This is labelled as No. 01, thus I believe there would be more to come in due time.

I am really looking forward to them releasing more from the whole series. As a serious comment, I really hope to one day see Lightning being sculpted, though static, but with her full body instead of just a bust. In other words, I look forward to a statue. (I have taken a liking to mini statues ever since I got into contact with the Sixth Scale)

So that's all for me today. We holidays coming to an end in a tenday, I look forward to accomplishing something for my own hobby rather than always working on the project (which what I have did throughout the whole holidays).

See you all in the next post :D


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Final Fantasy 25th Memorial Ultimania Volume 3

Hey all!

So its been some time since I have written a post. Have been going back to school during the holidays to make some progress for my project. Today, I return with great news (great news for me that is). I have finally located one of the books in my to buy list.

I was supposed to meet my friends yesterday to get some parts for our project, but due to the wait, I decided to wonder around my favorite book store (Books Kinokuniya). It was really lucky for me as that day, I decided to browse the Japanese book section, which I usually don't even go near to. Right at the corner of the shelf, I finally saw it, the volume 1 of the book that I have been looking for. But what I was really after in that series was volume 3, since it includes FFXIII.

So after meeting up with my friends and getting what I needed for the project, I took the time to head down to another branch of that bookstore. To my great luck, I found volume 3 of the book! You must be really anxious to know what book I am talking about. Well the title says it all, it is the Final Fantasy 25th Memorial Ultimania Volume 3. This volume includes the Final Fantasy series X, XI, XII, XIII and XIV.

I am currently clearing out stuff to add in more books to my shelf (I have also bought Deus Ex guide book and the art of Deus Ex book some time ago). I would write about my collections right after I finish packing my room and shelf. With additional Lightning stuff that I bought, I cannot wait for my room to be packed (its really messy) and showcase to all of you my collection. My collection is not really as big as what many have, but I am satisfied at what I have and plan to increase it.

I am currently saving up for the other 2 volumes of this ultimania. Having already know the location of volume 1, the only thing left to do is to save up some money for it and hunt down for the 2nd volume.

Thank you all, that's all for today's post, I hope to see you all soon :D


Friday, July 29, 2016

Final Fantasy 13 - Elixir FF13 Trading Arts Mini

Hey all, its been a while as I have been stuck in playing Overwatch (Yes, I bought that game) . But with examinations coming up, thought I would just take a break from that game and open the package that arrived almost 2 weeks ago.

The entire package was really well packed, extremely satisfied with how this arrived. So I unpacked everything slowly and carefully, making sure not to damage anything in the process.

The first thing I took out was the box itself. I know that there are boxes for each miniature, but since its from ebay, one is already pretty good in making it a well worth collection for me. Inside the box was the box that held the can of elixir (its a can drink that was already emptied out) and the  box that held the miniature itself.

 Isn't it awesome that the can itself has Lightning and Snow on it? I totally love it and went all crazy about it when I saw it.

After which, I took out the miniatures. All of it was well protected and still sealed in their original packaging.

There are all together 6 figures that I have acquired. From the top row (left to right) would be Sazh, Snow, Hope. From the bottom row (left to right) would be Fang, Lightning, Vanille.

The figures are really well made. The package arrived well protected. I really loved these miniatures. For collectors like me, this set is definitely one to sought after.

So that's all for today's post. Now time for me to write up a review on ebay. This seller is one that I would highly recommend: koto03j

I would see you all in the next post :D


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Final Fantasy 13 - Need Help

Hey all, I'm back!!

So on Saturday, I went back to the store to get some awesome stuff again from FF13 :D I was at first really happy that I got the 5 other figurines that I saw the first time I went to that shop last week. It was also a display set off course, because they told me that they have no more of this set.

I went home happily that day and only opened up yesterday only to see that one of them was damaged ( partially my fault for not checking before paying for it ). But right now I'm just trying to fix it.

This is what I bought:

creature kai volume 3

I realized there was no bahamut in the set, although I thought there was supposed to be him inside. (I'm not quite sure whether its a sure in or not)

As you can see from the left second guy, its hecatoncheir from the set. He is toppled over as his leg was warped to the side. I'm not sure if this is a defect with it originally being like this or its because of the weight of his arms at the side. But one thing I know for sure is I'm quite sad to see him like this. 

Right now I am trying really hard to get it back, but the solutions for plastic online are just to heat it up and bend it back. But without experience on this, I'm not confident of doing it. Plus having paid $132 for it, I'm not planning to ruin it.

Now only 2 questions bug me: Will I be able to get it back from the warping and make it look awesome again and if Bahamut was really in the set, then why is it I don't have it?

So that's all for today all, was hoping some of you might have the answers to the questions. Just pop it down on the comments section below :D


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Final Fantasy 13 - Cleaned Up

Hey all. So today I have spent some time, taking them out of the individual packaging ( you can see it in the previous post). It was a display set, so I spent most of the time cleaning them up in my room.

Although when I was cleaning up, I could see some minor paint chips (small holes) and also some minor paint job errors. But overall, I think it is a really solid piece. After I was done cleaning up, I decided to take some photos of them. Thought to just share it here with you guys.

Group Shot






Lovely models that I have bought. I am planning to go back to the same shop to browse through their product lines again to see what else I can get :D On the other hand, I am also checking the price for Play Arts Kai Cloud for a friend.

Right now, my aim is to quickly get my hands on a display case that is not too expensive. Hopefully you all could have some ideas to where to get them. Do post them in the comments, would appreciate it.

And that's all for today!!! :D See you all soon in the next post!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Final Fantasy 13 - Going for it

Hey all, sorry for not being able to post on this blog for so long. Have been kind of busy with nothing much of interest to write about. But today is different, its e-learning and I get to have some free time to finally continue blogging.

Recently (probably about 1-2 weeks ago) I started being in to Final Fantasy 13. It was one of the nicest game that I have seen, although some disagrees. The characters in the story are all pretty awesome to me. I spent the whole of at least 1 week watching through the gameplay of all 3 in the series as I do not have the game.

Just last week (Sunday 15 May 2016), I went with two of my good friends, Aimran and Fabien, to follow me along to a shop that specially sells anime stuff. My main aim that day was to try to find the Play Arts kai version of all 3 different Lightning. But they told me they didn't sell it anymore, what I see is all they have. Hence, I decided to walk around the shop, looking around the display cabinets with my friends and I found this:

Top row: Serah, Lightning
Bottom row: Jihl, Sazh, Hope

Sorry about the poor quality photo, I will post up much clearer pictures after I clean them up as after all, this was a display set. Although I was not able to get what I wanted at first, but I was still able to get the models that I am also going for.

This 5 figures cost me $115.

Hopefully I can get a display case before I take them out for cleaning.

See you all in the next post, that's all for today :D
