Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Countdown

Hey all!

Less than an hour more till the New Year (2014) begins! Are you excited?

Well, you should be. I am going to let you in on a secret!

I am most likely going to work on the Ratling conversion / sculpting project. Are you excited or what? Because I sure am excited to get my hands in to start and make a tutorial on it.

A bit of a side-track, I am currently scratch-building a commissar. This is to hone my skills of sculpting as I am not very good at it. So do give me tips! (I am working with Kneadatite Greenstuff) So be sure to look forward to me posting up a picture of it when I am done with it!

Enjoy your countdown!

I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year 2014!


The Removal 03

Hey all!
So as you all should know by now I am working on my Leman Russ Battle Tank. So here is the result.
I barely made any changes to it, except fixing it up with some greenstuff, adding a heavy stubber sponson and switching out the tank commander's arms.
I hope you guys like it. Do comment on how I can improve this tank and any ideas you would like to give on it.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Removal 02

Hey all!
So based on the part 01, you should have an idea on what I was working on. So here I am with the results.
Personally it wasn't up to what I had expected the outcome to be.
I had to use a small screwdriver to forcefully break it up to some of its components. Though it was a little easier, it was still hard work. Took me about an hour to get it into its components as shown in the image.
It is very hard to wash off the dettol soap that I used. Some of the dettol is still lingering on some of the components, especially the tracks.
The paint failed to be removed. I tried scratching it off only to leave loads of scratch marks.
What I found rewarding however, was that the rear door behind the hatch turned out to be metal. To let you know, I am a big fan of metal or part metal models.
Though finding a metal part on it isn't surprising au.ce afterall, it is said to be a 3rd edition tank.
Reflection: This failure could be due to the possibility of using the wrong dettol soap type, or probably accidentally adding more water then the intended 1:1 of the desired mixture.
So most probably I may give it another go some time or leave it as it is, fix it back, and go on to my next project.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Removal 01

Hey all!
After considering for a long time, I have decided to debond this tank shown which I got for second-hand.
Hopefully it too strips the paint off too.
I have left it soaked for 18 hours in a mix of 1:1 with dettol soap and water. In maybe 2 or 3 hours more, I would remove and take a look to see if it works.
Hopefully it does work as I removed the turret an hour earlier only to realise it is going to be tough to remove and the main hull does not seem to budge at all.
Hence let us see how this goes in the end, whether is it a correct choice, a wrong choice, or a very stupid one.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Festival

Hey all!
Merry Christmas to all! (Christmas here)
Today is the day where we give and receive presents.
Comment on this thread on your wishlist.
My wishlist is to have miniatures to build and convert.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Upcoming

Hey all!

Merry Christmas Eve to all (From where I come from, today is Christmas Eve)! And my present to you is .... drum roll please .... a rundown on some of my upcoming hobby projects that I will be doing when I have free time on my hand. Tutorials would also probably be included.

There will most likely be many hobby projects that are Warhammer 40k that I will embark upon in the very near future.

The hobby projects include Ratlings for my Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard (Did I mention that I play Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard?), probably some Ogryns if possible and many more.

Some of my projects may also include some things where I will build from scratch, such as sculpting some models (Hopefully they can be in miniature size that can fit into my Imperial Guard army).

Hopefully these upcoming projects can motivate you to stay tune to my blog for more upcoming posts (Probably some awesome tutorials too).

See you soon!


Monday, December 23, 2013

The Backstage

Hey all!

This blog is supposedly dedicated for my hobbies as you all should know. Hence,  this is going to be a rundown on how I am going to do some of my upcoming hobby projects.

Well, before any projects can be commenced, there are several things that must be done on the
to-do list.

Firstly, you must have an idea on what you want to do, such as if you want to make a miniature through
kit-bashing different bits from different Warhammer 40k sets, or even scratch-building your own miniature.

Secondly, it is to have the materials you need to begin the project. One of our best friends, Kneadatite (Green Stuff), or any other putties suitable to use when needed in the project.

There you have it, the two important steps which I always follow before I go down to start my hobby project.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Beginning

Hey all!

Welcome to the Winter blog.

This blog will most probably be mostly about my hobbies which includes Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and also several other things that I may include along the way.

Miniature modelling is also my hobby!

So do stay tune and follow my blog in the journey through sci-fi, miniatures, tips and tricks, miniature modelling, product reviews, gift ideas for festivals, tutorials, etc.

Your comments on my post can also help to improve my blog.

Thank you.
