Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Upcoming

Hey all!

Merry Christmas Eve to all (From where I come from, today is Christmas Eve)! And my present to you is .... drum roll please .... a rundown on some of my upcoming hobby projects that I will be doing when I have free time on my hand. Tutorials would also probably be included.

There will most likely be many hobby projects that are Warhammer 40k that I will embark upon in the very near future.

The hobby projects include Ratlings for my Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard (Did I mention that I play Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard?), probably some Ogryns if possible and many more.

Some of my projects may also include some things where I will build from scratch, such as sculpting some models (Hopefully they can be in miniature size that can fit into my Imperial Guard army).

Hopefully these upcoming projects can motivate you to stay tune to my blog for more upcoming posts (Probably some awesome tutorials too).

See you soon!


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