Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Countdown

Hey all!

Less than an hour more till the New Year (2014) begins! Are you excited?

Well, you should be. I am going to let you in on a secret!

I am most likely going to work on the Ratling conversion / sculpting project. Are you excited or what? Because I sure am excited to get my hands in to start and make a tutorial on it.

A bit of a side-track, I am currently scratch-building a commissar. This is to hone my skills of sculpting as I am not very good at it. So do give me tips! (I am working with Kneadatite Greenstuff) So be sure to look forward to me posting up a picture of it when I am done with it!

Enjoy your countdown!

I wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year 2014!


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