Monday, December 30, 2013

The Removal 02

Hey all!
So based on the part 01, you should have an idea on what I was working on. So here I am with the results.
Personally it wasn't up to what I had expected the outcome to be.
I had to use a small screwdriver to forcefully break it up to some of its components. Though it was a little easier, it was still hard work. Took me about an hour to get it into its components as shown in the image.
It is very hard to wash off the dettol soap that I used. Some of the dettol is still lingering on some of the components, especially the tracks.
The paint failed to be removed. I tried scratching it off only to leave loads of scratch marks.
What I found rewarding however, was that the rear door behind the hatch turned out to be metal. To let you know, I am a big fan of metal or part metal models.
Though finding a metal part on it isn't surprising au.ce afterall, it is said to be a 3rd edition tank.
Reflection: This failure could be due to the possibility of using the wrong dettol soap type, or probably accidentally adding more water then the intended 1:1 of the desired mixture.
So most probably I may give it another go some time or leave it as it is, fix it back, and go on to my next project.

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