Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Commissar Painted

Hey all!

Remember a time long ago (Or rather just a few months back) I scratch built a Imperial Guard Commissar?

Well, I had it painted up after dragging my heels on it for a couple of days. So finally, I finished it and here are the finished pictures of the Commissar: 

Though the rear may not be that good looking, but I think it would have been worse.

So here is my summary: The chest plate which is supposed to have the aquila was missing. Hence I had to freehand it onto the front plate and the peak cap. I must say I did a terrible job at it, with the aquila on the chest plate look more like poor paint work (which is a fact). the peak cap aquila was worse than the chest plate one, barely visible in the picture and poorly done. The back of the commissar, which is also his coat, was painted with grey lines to make the coat look like it is bending. While as for the other grey lines, I was hoping to achieve the result of making it more realistic but that point has to be improved by a lot.

All in all, I think it is better to get the Games Workshop one. Though price may become a problem to get a commissar, I think it is still worth to get one. The details are great and I am hoping to get one soon.

My personal favourite Commissar in the Games Workshop range would be the Commissar with the Powerfist (Who is also carrying a book on his other hand).

To round off this post, Games Workshop Commissar is better as compared to mine, that's for sure. Loads of improvement needed when doing scratch-building. My painting needs to be improved!

Practice makes perfect!


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