Saturday, February 22, 2014

Imperial Knights up for pre-order !

Hey all!

As from the title, this post is on the Imperial Knights! They are now currently for pre-order!

The Imperial Knight is something I was looking forward to to buff up my current Imperial Guard army, but it comes at a staggering price. This puts my plans slightly behind schedule, sigh. Though I believe it could be worth the money as the Imperial Knight is a huge kit with many components, transfers which I have never seen before and from the website, it is at a height of 8 inches!

For those of you who have not seen it, click here to visit the page on it now!

The rules and points cost of each knight is located at the new White Dwarf Issue 4. If you have not gotten that issue, get it. It includes a section on paint splatter in which it teaches you on how to paint some colours of the Imperial Knight and how to effectively paint it before assembling the entire model together.

I would probably be getting one as soon as I have sufficient budget to get one. This is to make my army look cooler and more menacing. Two of these built differently sounds like a good plan too!

So what are you waiting for? Pre-order yours today! Or in my case, hopefully get enough budget to get one as soon as I can! 

In my estimation, they could most probably be off the shelf in no time at it's release, so get yours or you might need to wait till the next batch of Imperial Knights stock come in!


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