Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Foam Miniature (Catachan) Winterial 03

Hey all!

Welcome to part 3 of this Winterial! Without further ado, let us finish up the miniature!

Or rather, the miniature is complete. Now I will finish it further with more weapon choices.

Step 1:

Laspistol, what officer guard loves. We cut out a strip of black foam 5mm in thickness and 12mm in length. From one side, mark out 2mm from the top and 4mm to the left. From the 4mm marking, cut 1mm upwards. From the 2mm marking, cut 4mm towards the left. Next, severe it out with a diagonal cut. You should end up with something in Pict 1.

Step 2:

Using the dimensions for the grey ammo pack on the rifle previously and also the rifle handle, attach it to the pistol as shown in Pict 2. Take note that the ammo pack should be protruding from the right side of the pistol like the one that comes in the plastic Catachan set.

Step 3:

Now, we make the sword. Use dimensions of 4mm in thickness and 30mm in length with the grey foam as shown in Pict 3. This will be the blade. This is a long sword which I made to make it look awesome and stand out from the rest.

If you want to make a power sword, use one that is 25mm. If you want a combat knife, use one that is 12mm in length.

Step 4:

Now for the hand guard. Use a piece of black foam that is 6mm X 4mm as shown in Pict 4. You do not need this if you are making a combat knife.

Step 5:

Now for the handle. As I am making a long blade, I used dimensions of 3mm X 10mm as shown in Pict 5. 

If you are making the handle for the sword and knife, use the dimension 3mm X 6mm.

Step 6:

Now, combine it together with the hand guard in the middle. You should end up with a sword, similar to the one shown in Pict 6 unless you are making a combat knife without a hand guard.

Step 7:

Cut diagonally at the tip of the blade from the middle to the sides to make it more like a sword as shown in Pict 7. Ensure that the diagonal line is about the same length so it looks better.

That's about all the weapons I can make within my ability. If you got any weapons you would like to see to be added, say it in the comments and I will do my best to get it out to the best of my abilities.

Though many leg poses are easy as long as it does not look weird, there is one that I would like to highlight to you. That is the running pose.

The running pose have to be made as shown below, the knee is one pice of the foam almost vertically straight and the other two supporting it. The grey goes on from the two pieces as shown. This would give you a very good looking running pose for the miniature.

So that's all for today, look out for part 4 as I give my reflection and tips and tricks which I would share and maybe further details on what kind of materials I used (Example: the brand which I recommend).

Do stay tuned and to keep you guys looking forward for more, or rather maybe me just wanting eagerly for people to see this, Here is a picture of a 10 men Foam Catachan squad!


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