Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Adeptus Custodes Scratchbuild Update #2

So with the increase in work to do everyday, exams to study for. I decided that this project would currently be put on hold until my term break, which is only about another month or so. But that does not stop me for updating the most recent portion that I have stopped at.

My work so far has led me to the lower part of the body with it's torso. This leaves me to only details left at the belt, waist, front and back armour plate, helmet and arms with their shoulder pads. The build so far seems pretty ok until I did a size comparison to my marine and this happens:

I must say the torso was also kind of badly done, but I should be able to fix it up. Back to size comparison, the body without the head is already as tall as a space marine on it's base. It's legs are also quite open, which means that my Custodes was built way too big to fit into the marines. This being said, I shall now proclaim it true scale Custodes. Not exactly but it makes me feel better. 

So far this is the progress that I have made. Though it was hard work, I believe it will be well worth it in the end. This update would mark the pause of this project until maybe a month later.

In the mean time, I would get back to painting during the spare time that I could squeeze out of my already tight schedule.

See you all in the next post!


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