Saturday, May 3, 2014

Loads more goodiness!

So I took the time today afternoon to head down to my local gamestore to collect back my Valhallan Ice Warrior that I have submitted for the painting competition. But after seeing some cool stuff there, I could not help but started picking up things to buy.

I bought the packet of round bases, since I am working on scratch building and I have a shortage of bases. Guess what! What I also bought was the Commissar book which I could not hold back to buy. Also got myself the Gehenna's Gold paint to slowly stock up the colour for my Custodes that I am working on if you have looked at the previous few posts. This puts my paint count for the armour to become 2 of 6.

I also met up if a guy to buy some second hand stuff from him: I bought 11 plague marines with a mix of metal, plastic and forgeworld resin pieces. One of which have both his arms gone but I believe it can be glued back, one is also a Plasma Gun. Love what he did with the marine backpacks, replacing it with skulls.
Look at those details!

I also got a Grey Knight Terminator from him which was pretty cool. I was actually thinking of converting a Kaldar Draigo but decided this guy is just too nice to be converted, so I shall just leave him as it is.

Last but not least my Valhallan Ice Warrior. I was super proud of him. Though I did not win any prize with him, I still felt that he have already did his best.

To mark off the end of this post, a look on a pre-glueing step where I fit the model together to see how it would look like first so I will not make any mistakes while glueing him together.


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