Thursday, May 1, 2014

Adeptus Custodes Scratchbuild Update #1

As I continue to work on my Adeptus Custodes, I begin to have more spare greenstuff appearing from the unused pile as I tend to let it harden a little here and there before I move on. 

Hence I decided to use the spare green stuff into something unique and like to keep it as a memory of the process of making the Adeptus Custodes. That is I made a letter 'C' at every small piece of greenstuff I have unused and would most likely be wasted and thrown away.

This by far is the amount that I have gotten, placed on an ice cream cover, which comes in usefull sometimes when I am trying to do drybrushing: 

Not a lot was wasted but there is still a significant amount of it there.

I am not going to show the Adeptus Custodes now as I am letting it cure even as I type this sentence. Chances are this is going to be a pretty small update. I am expecting to finish it up to the knee by today hopefully. As studies have taken up much of my time, progress is already considered very fast. Updates would come for the Adeptus Custodes once I finished it's legs and it looks presentable.

So do look out for any updates on this, but chances are the updates on this may slow down till the next one being some time later. I am also already thinking of making my own pre-heresy Captain Loken from the Horus Heresy book novel. He was one of my favourite character, thus I am also now planning to have him but not so soon, not until I finished my Adeptus Custodes.

See you all soon!


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