Saturday, April 26, 2014

Adeptus Custodes Ranks

As I worked on my Adeptus Custodes, I went in to read more about their fluff and look up on some of their rules, which lead me to many great discoveries.

Before I read up on the Adeptus Custodes, I always thought that Custodes are just Custodes, they all have the same gear. Their ranks only made up of Custodians and Captains. Plain and simple.

Until I stumbled onto some rules that I found from Bells of Lost Souls and a forum (If I remember correctly, it is from Librarium-online). This is when I realize things are actually not plain and simple.

From the rules, I gathered that these are the ranks of the Adeptus Custodes:


(Also known as Chief Custodian)
(The man known to hold this rank is Constantin Valdor)

Custodian Honour Guard
(This squad is like a space marine command squad, except that it can also be another HQ choice by itself, since honour guards are sometimes despatched to follow the other space marines Legion)

Shield Captain
(One by the name Mikaelor Cobernus)


Terminator Squad

Venerable Dreadnaught
(They have mostly survived for many hundreds and thousands of years)

(One called Sigittarus)


Spear Guard Squad
(This is the one where the Custodians all carry a spear with a bolter attached to it)
(I realized that there is a rank known as a Custodian Sentinel. Accompanied by the rules I saw, I figured that this rank could have the same meaning as a sergeant)

Tactical Squad
(I thought this as impossible until I came across the rules and an image of Custodians charging forward with only bolters. You can find the image when you google Adeptus Custodes)
(Also accomapanied by a Custodian Sentinel, except that now the Custodians carry normal bolters)

Dedicated Transports:

Land Raider

(Saw one that says the Custodians invented their own Grav-Rhino)

Fast Attack:

Jetbike Squadron
(From the book Prospero Burns, the jetbikes were featured)

Heavy Support:

Land Raider

So that's about all that I found out for now. Though the different ranks, I believe that they should mostly have the same rules and stats. Time for more rules hunting.


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