Monday, April 21, 2014

Astra Militarum Updates #1

Hey guys, here is an update to the awesome Astra Militarum (Formerly Imperial Guard)

First off, I had my Codex returned to my local game store and received a new copy. Turns out mine was an isolated case for the Codex having it's ink smudged. So false alarm guys, go get your codex now for all the goodness that you can never finish naming them all.


During the weekends on the Saturday where I had a game with a guy called Nick. I was sort of squeezed  in as he was waiting for his opponent to show up and the shop was literally full house (It is so full it is hard to navigate the store).

I tried out my 1k points list and it worked not very good. I got tabled as always with my Leman Russ Battle Tank lasting the longest, since he does not have any thing that can take out an armour 14 tank from the front. The tank blew up with his Centurions shooting the rear of the tank and took it out. (Yeap, he was playing space marines.)

So here is my experience:

1. Tempestus Scions work just like the old edition storm troopers, pretty much the same except that you can take it now as a platoon. Furthermore, the volleygun was a waste of points really, they did pretty much nothing except taking up the points. 10 of them would be a good start but when they first appear, make sure you protect the special weapons and sergeant.

2. Tanks, you need these awesome metal boxes on the table. Though my tank only took like 2-3 marines out (due to poor scatter rolls) but it really made it a pain in the neck for the marines.

3. Chimeras retained their usefulness with their multi-lasers being able to take out some marines. Chimeras have never failed me before, they never blew up and my veterans can come out of them safely. Pretty much happens all the time. My chimera is like the survivor, the only unit that does not disappear from the table in every game. It just becomes a wreck at the very worst.

4. Melta. You need loads of this. Took 6 and it literally blew up a storm talon, with the help of the multi-laser off course. You need the lasgunners to protect the melta (Or when I played with grey knights, used it to literally take out one terminator squad. Lucky shots)

5. Need more ogryns. Was testing out with some proxies and I can't believe they lost combat to only 3 marines. How can ogryns lose combat to marines? The answer is there is not enough of them in the squad, only the standard load out. So get more and make them pay. 3 wounds each is pretty sweet. Even if they overwatch you, who cares, many of them will still survive. Hahaha!

Now I am working on a 1850 points list but as school starts, commitment is going to be high and Warhammer 40k would sadly become sacrificial. Thus it may be a while till I get to try out the list. Though in the mean time, I could start slowly paint my remaining men up and get to work on the Imperial Custodes miniature that I am still trying to start on.

See you all later!!!!


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