Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to paint Imperial Guard Valhallan Ice Warrior with meltagun Winterial Part 1

Welcome to a painting Winterial which I guess I have owed you guys for quite a long time. Valhallan Ice Warrior with meltagun!

Without further ado, let us start.

Step 1:

I primed my model black as it is the only primer I have. The grey which I have was a little too thick for the details. So either black or grey primer would do fine, though grey would be better as it is easier to pick out the details but black would do fine here. I also added white pumice for the base.

Step 2:

I started with the skin first, since it is in my opinion the hardest part to paint for the entire miniature. I slowly layered Cadian Fleshtone onto the skin areas. Each time I add a little paint on the entire skin area and allow it to dry before moving on. It took me about three four times to get it entirel covered in Cadian Fleshtone without covering up the details.


Step 3:

Next, I wash the skin areas heavily with Seraphim Sepia wash. It is alright to wash it heavily but not too little as Seraphim Sepia is a very weak wash. To get the colour of the wash out on the Cadian Fleshtone, better to wash it heavily than too little. You would want the contrast to be obvious.

Step 4:

After the wash have dried, I bring the colour back up with the Cadian Fleshtone, but leaving the recesses of the skin with the colour of the wash.

Step 5:

Mix 1:1 estimated Cadian Fleshtone and Ceramite White. Layer it onto the Cadian Fleshtone areas but leave some parts of the Cadian Fleshtone near the washed areas. This is so that the skin colours would look like they blend in with one another.

Step 6:

Next, we still mix 1:1 Ceramite White and Cadian Fleshtone but now add a little bit of Emperor's Children to the mixture. Mix till you find that the consistency is what you are after. The one I used was 3:3:1. This should give it a little bit of a blushing look. Only paint this on the cheeks and on the nose.

Step 7:

This guy with meltagun is clenching his teeth. So now we paint his mouth. 

Firstly, we add Abaddon Black over it.

Next, we add Ushabti Bone onto the teeths, leaving the recesses black as much as possible.

Lastly, we add Ceramite White onto the teeth, such that the Ushabti Bone will still be showing.

You can also add the eyes if you want, being Ceramite White around the socket first and then Abaddon Black for the pupils. But for this model, I gave it a pass as his I may damage the skin.

So that's all for part one tutorial.

See you all later for part 2!

Paints used:

Citadel Base: Abaddon Black
Citadel Base: Ceramite White
Citadel Layer: Cadian Fleshtone
Citadel Layer: Emperor's Childrem
Citadel Layer: Ushabti Bone
Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia


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