Friday, April 4, 2014

How to paint Imperial Guard Valhallan Ice Warrior with meltagun Winterial Part 2

Now for the next part of the Winterial for the Valhallan Ice Warrior.

Step 1:

This guy has a fur hat, so to paint the fur, I first added onto all the fur parts with Celestra Grey.

Step 2:

Using your brush, drybrush it with Ceramite White. I drybrushed it heavily but still have the grey showing. So just drybrush it slowly lightly each time till you get the consistency you want for the fur parts.

Step 3:

Paint the cloth part of the fur hat with Altdorf Guard Blue. Careful not to let any paint get onto the fur areas, if not, you may have to redo that part.

Step 4:

I used Reikland Fleshshade to wash the blue area, careful not to get any wash onto the fur areas before bringing the colour back up with Altdorf Guard Blue.

You can choose to skip this step as it will not be of much big difference to the end part.

Step 5:

For his Great Coat, paint it entirely with Altdorf Guard Blue but leave the his other equipments untouched as it may cover up many details.

Step 6:

Leaving the outlines of the the Great Coat Altdorf Guard Blue, I painted it with Lothern Blue. Some of the recesses have been left as Altdorf Guard Blue.

So we are going to end here today. I know the Winterial is going slow but this is the best speed for me when painting a model which has so much details on it. Every step has to be well thought of.

See you all in part 3!


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