Saturday, April 5, 2014

How to paint Imperial Guard Valhallan Ice Warrior with meltagun Winterial Part 3

Before I go on to Part 3, let me add on something which I forgot at Part 2.

One thing to take note is the face. You can choose to add a dot with Ceramite White at the nose to make it look like it is cold but sunny!

Paints required in Part 2:

1. Citadel Base: Ceramite White
2. Citadel Base: Celestra Grey
3. Citadel Layer: Altdorf Guard Blue
4. Citadel Layer: Lothern Blue
5. Citadel Shade: Reikland Fleshshade

Now that that's done, let's get on to Part 3!

Step 1:

Mixing 3 part Lothern Blue to 1 part Ceramite White, drybrush over the Lothern Blue areas heavily.

Step 2:

Mxing 1:1 Lothern Blue and Ceramite White, drybrush heavily too at the Lothern Blue areas from the previous step. Note: Show some parts of the Lothern Blue without them being covered by the drybrush. This is to show some sort of paint transition. 

Step 3:

For the the satchel which he has around his body, paint it first with Zandri Dust. After which, drybrush heavily with Tallarn Sand. Note that parts of the satchel under the meltagun can also be seen. So remember to paint it too!

Step 4:

On the miniature, you should be able to see a scroll like thing attached to his waist. I painted it with Zandri Dust before washing the recesses with Seraphim Sepia. You can choose to wash it with Reikland Fleshshade to get a darker recess. 

Another alternative is to wash the entire Zandri Dust layer with a Seraphim Sepia before bringing the colour back up with Zandri Dust.

Step 5:

The pouches at his waist were painted Rhinox Hide. One thing not seen here is that I also had the edges of the pouch highlighted with Zandri Dust. 

Step 6:

Time to paint the meltagun. I painted the body of it Abaddon Black and the barrel and ammo tank at the side leadbelcher. One of the pipes around the gun is also painted leadbelcher. 

I highlighted the black parts of the gun with Altdorf Guard Blue.

Step 7:

For the satchel slung at the back of his body, I painted it with Mechanicus Standard Grey before going over with Celestra Grey, leaving the recesses with the darker grey colour. The strap for this satchel I also used Rhinox Hide.

You can also see the canteen is painted too. So the body of the canteen is Celestra Grey, the two flaps are Mechanicus Standard Grey and the winged skull is Ceramite White. You can choose to paint the buttons on the flaps Leadbelcher too.

From the picture below, you can see the pipe of the meltagun painted Leadbelcher and the pouches highlighted with Zandri Dust.

The boots were painted Abaddon Black with Altdorf Guard Blue highlight.

Step 8:

The base is crucial. So I painted the already white base with Ceramite White, before adding snow on. I used 1:1 mix of white glue with citadel snow.

(Just chilling in the sun)

Paints used:

1. Citadel Base: Ceramite White
2. Citadel Base: Abaddon Black
3. Citadel Base: Celestra Grey
4. Citadel Base: Mechanicus Standard Grey
5. Citadel Base: Leadbelcher
6. Citadel Base: Zandri Dust
7. Citadel Layer: Tallarn Sand
8. Citadel Layer: Altdorf Guard Blue
9. Citadel Layer Lothern Blue

That's all for Part 3, which also marks the end of this painting Winterial. Do let me know which part you need help with at the comments and I would gladly help out. 

Thank you all for viewing. Rate this Winterial so that I can improve and give you all better Winterials in the future!


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