Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Star Wars Break!!!!

Hey guys, its been a long time. I finally got time to write my blog ( Its e-learning and I'm getting a bad headache )

As you all know Star Wars episode 7 : The Force Awakens is coming out soon in December. As a huge Star Wars fan, I decided to take time to head down to one of the department stores about 2 weeks back and score! I found awesome Star Wars products that was actually on a discounted price.

This was the first thing I scored. Commander Cody was bought some time ago but due to the price, i haven't been able to complete this collection. But on that day, I saw what I needed to complete this collection, and I bought Rex and Gree. It is sad that I did not get to see Commander Fox as it was not available. But nevertheless, I managed to complete my set of 3, which off course also finishes the exclusive parts to complete a Jetpack trooper. :D

Next up would be this guy here^. Ever since I watched Star Wars The Clone Wars, I couldn't help but see lots of 501st legion clone troopers, but they never really left an impression on me. But towards season 6 of Star Wars The Clone Wars, where they showed the episode that Fives died, they left a great impression on me. They all had the same haircut, they worked as a whole. Even though they could not help but to kill Fives, they felt sad about it. Like they could have prevented it yet unable to do anything to stop it. i cried when Captain Rex cried, I cried when they all removed their helmets, as a last respect to Fives. Most importantly, they removed their helmet to remind everyone that they are the same: Clones of the Grand Republic.

I actually considered getting more sideshow clones from the department store, but my wallet warned me that it is already too skinny. Thus I only managed to bring home these 3 boxes. Although there was a feeling of disappointment, but at least I felt fulfilled when I completed my collection.

Next up to join in to the Star Wars craze would be I downloaded a Star Wars Venator Class Star Destroyer. It was one of the most detailed papercraft model that I have ever built:

The link to his page is: http://www.momirfarooq.com/index.htm

The beauty about this model is that it is extremely detailed in its art. Besides that, the model itself was so magnificent. Its sad that my glue smudged the ink of the Star Destroyer a bit (The most obvious parts would be the base of the bridge, though its not obvious in the photo due to the lighting, but its blue.)

I decided to make a tutorial when I get the chance on making this beauty. What to take note off and how to get the best out of it. I did not glue this cruiser to the base for easy storage, but for some models, such as the V-19 Torrent, it is inevitable that you have to glue it to the base to display the model.

So that's all for today, hope you guys enjoy my blog post. What are you waiting for? Download now and start building your very own Venator Class Star Destroyer. And I will see you guys in the next post. :D


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tamiya 1:25 scale German Soldier

So guys, its been a long time since I came in to do blogging. Have been playing lots of Neverwinter and also with the new school term, my time is pretty much limited. But that does not mean I will stop my hobby.

For a school project, my friend brought me to a specific Tamiya store to get some motor parts and gears. When I reached that store, I was looking at all the scale model sets they got rather then looking for parts for the project. Guess this is in my hobby enthusiasm.

With limited cash in my wallet, I spent all of it onto one scale model that I found was pretty awesome. It is a German Panzergrenadier metal model:

Sorry about the photo, as I am unable to rotate it. This is the figure that I bought. There are like 3 other designs to this metal model series, but I decided to get this as it looks pretty cool, similar to dashing to cover or stealth advancement to enemy position. The scale of this model is 1:25. As I have not handled miniatures of this size before, I was more inclined to grab this model.

When I opened it and read the instructions, I was unsure whether to start building this model up or only do it when I have more time to spare. 

Enclosed within the aluminium pack is a special type of cement that came with the model. At first I was just thinking to use super glue, but after much thought, I decided not to. There must be a reason for them to give this special cement. Thus I have yet to build up this model.

Majority of this model is made of metal, except for the weapons and accessories. It comes with a stand for the model too! How cool is that!

I cannot wait to build up this model. One last component I am waiting for is to get the drill to drill a hole for the stand and I would start building it. Hopefully within the month I would be able to at least build this model.

That's all for today's post, hope you guys enjoy it. Be sure to look out for the fully assembled version of this soldier. And I will see you guys in the next post.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fire Hawks and Imperial Fists

So, its been a long time since I have posted in this blog as to be honest, I don't really have much to post these days. Most of the things that I have been working on are just plans drafting, future projects to do, some painting and catching up on my novels.

But I decided to share with you guys some marines which I have painted up about 2 weeks ago. Yes, that's a long time ago. Now I will share it with you.

The first would be my own Imperial Fists:

Sorry about the lighting as this was taken with my phone and the image does not really do the actual figure justice. The one on the left is the recent one while on the right would be one which was used as a paint scheme test for the Fist which I really liked. The based I did it as a urban style of base as I am hoping to start my Vostroyan someday. The urban base could make a connection to my Vostroyan in the future and also easier for me to add the snow instead of having to repaint it,

The next would be my Fire Hawks. Yes, you saw correct. Fire Hawks:

The Fire Hawks are something which I have been working on for a while. 5 of them have only been recently painted, the rest are in various stages months before. Some looks shinier then the others are probably the older ones. I had them satin varnish in the past before I got my matt varnish and did the matt on the entire squad. The colors in the group image does not really do it justice. Here is a close up on one of them:

This image was taken right before I batch paint the remaining 5 bolter marines. You can see them in the background. The symbols on every of their shoulder pads are free handed:

When I finally get my hands on more marines, I might just do up a tutorial for the Fire Hawks and the Imperial Fists.

That's all for today's post. Hope you guys look forward for more awesome content.


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Birthday goodies for me today :D

So, I actually gotten some awesome presents. The awesome album that I waited for so long even before it was officially release: Breaking Benjamin: Dark before Dawn.

I too got this 3 cute little clone figures. It was just sad that it was originally 5 but 2 were already sold out, the blue one and the plain one.

I too got this scout trooper with speeder bike. Totally awesome set. I would build this up once I finally finish packing my room.

I got this 5 men devastators with all missile launchers. Totally awesome. This 5 men was second hand, and I bought this specially for myself. :D

I too got 2 awesome books, D&D Legend of Drizzt series Homeland and the Crystal Shard, because I already have the 2 books in between.

Today's project was also a great success. We did like 3 failed attempts came up with over 10 ideas and finally got this done. It was not as awesome as we wanted it to be, but it still works, totally awesome still.

So that's all for my birthday today :D Its almost exams but that means holidays are coming and that means I can finally finish up my fire hawks. Look out for them, woohoo!!!!!


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Edit: I forgot to add the title for this post xD

So its been a while since I last posted on my blog. So I thought that I would just post about this. 

I managed to find this battlefleet gothic ship papercraft through papercraftsquare. You should be able to find this if you look through the pages one by one after you search the keyword Warhammer 40k in the website. This is totally awesome as these ships are all expensive and I do not have any intention yet to throw my all into getting one of these ships.

Another thing I got was this 3 Despicable Me tiny little minions that I found was really cute. These minions are one of the last, so I had to make a quick decision and buy it. It was really a good buy and I have no regrets.

So that's about it in this post. A new term, a new beginning, a new fight. See you all soon!


Monday, June 22, 2015

Adeptus Custodes Scratchbuild Update #3

Its been a long time since I last posted, have been so busy catching up on a new liking of mine that my friend recommended: Naruto.

I finished like more than 200 episodes of when he is still a child and now I'm in Shippuden 100+ episodes in. But I am already in the midst of my examinations, I thought I better start posting some stuff rather then spending too much of my time watching. 

So without further ado, this is my 3rd update of the Adeptus Custodes. Technically this was the 4th, but the 3rd failed so badly that I decided not to post it and chuck it aside. Note to self and everyone: White glue will literally turn white when it touches water even after it dries, breaking the bond.

So I thought about it for quite some time and why not use something that I have the most abundance for? Sprues. Yes. I made this about 2 weeks ago:

So this is going to be a really short update, but this is going to be a great leap to finally finishing my scratchbuild Adeptus Custodes before those in Forgeworld get there before me. And they are drawing close I must say, at the rate they are releasing all the stuff. Even Gal Vorbak are out. 

Guess I better hurry up and make more updates.

So that's all for today's update. Nothing much. See you guys soon :D


Friday, May 15, 2015

I'm back with more!!!!!!!!!

Hey all, been a long long LONG time since I last posted on this blog, Sorry about that. My new semester term have just started and have been busy catching up with work. But now I'm sick, down with a flu, giving me ample time to consolidate my hobby :D

At a very perfect timing, two of my online orders came together, the first being from Games Workshop and the other from Amazon.

This is what I had bought from Games Workshop. I am starting to build up my Vostroyan Firstborn, the guard army that have dragged me into this hobby in almost 2-3 years ago. How time flies.

Besides ordering these stuff, Games Workshop too gave me a Mechanicum poster and also a Mechanicum cog wheel pin. Thank you Games Workshop. Sadly during my opening of the box, my knife was too sharp and now both the poster and the order sheet above it cut from top to bottom. But no worries, as a Warhammer 40k big fan, I would do my best to  restore it to its former glory.

The order from Amazon is a out of production book that I have been unable to find from anywhere near me. It is the omnibus for the Bretonnian knights. What took me to liking Bretonnians was actually just an accidental idea on trying to make rough riders for my Guard. Furthermore, I got myself the Bretonnian book Knight of the Realm at a great sale. Hence the story and miniatures got me into liking them. Since I did not like e-books, I got it on Amazon. It is pretty worn down but still readable and a condition that I can accept. It too has the old book smell, the smell of a book that has been on the shelf for ages ( trust me, I know how a book smell ).

So that's all for this post, just a really small update on what I would be working on until my next blog post is up. See you guys later! :D


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Unboxing Game Workshop Medium Sized Carrier!

Hey guys, this is another post informing you guys that I have posted another video onto youtube. This time it is on unboxing the Games workshop medium sized miniature carrying case. Hope you guys will enjoy the video!


Do subscribe to my channel, like and share my video and blog. Do leave some comments if possible and let me know what to improve on. I will see you guys later.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Scions Winterial Video is Finally up!

Hey all, sorry about the long delay in the videos. I have been caught up in learning Autodesk 3D designing for quite a fair bit of time and finally I have ended the first part. So I thought I could catch up with blogging and uploading the Scions Winterial.

I had the videos uploaded in 3 main parts so that it would be easier for you guys to actually refer to the part that you are on, rather than having to look through one long video over and over again just to find one specific part of the conversion that you have stopped at.

Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cddbXY39MP8

- Part 1 consists of the introduction as to what you need for this conversion as a whole, along with the guide to making the head, the power pack, and also the most important weapon for all scions, the Hot-shot lasgun.

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmLVPp5qg9U

 - Part 2 is actually not a must see, but rather it is more like perfecting your converted Scion. This part shows you how to fill up the pistol holders that are attached to the scout models. This is actually pretty useful even when you are just using them as normal scouts and having empty pistol holders look weird.

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2OOtvpYhKY

 - Part 3 is the Winterial on how to make a hot-shot volley gun. It looks pretty decent on how it turned out. Due to the time needed to make one of these, I decided to dedicate one video specifically for it as not everyone wants a hot-shot volley gun.

The few blog Winterial for the Scions Conversion have also been uploaded quite some time ago:




The video and the blog post Winterial can be used to supplement each other, hopefully making the instructions much more clearer to you.

I'm still learning how to make better videos, so hopefully you guys can give me some tips too. Do subscribe to my channel and blog, share my blog stuff and videos. Most importantly, give me some feedback as to how to improve.

Thank you!


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Scions Conversion Winterial part 3: Pistol holders and chainswords

Hey all, this is the last Winterial for the Scions Conversion, as I wrap it up with the final part in this trilogy. Let's get started!

The first thing that we would look at would be the pistol holders that we see at most of the scout models. The thing about these holders are that they do not have a handle of them. Since my scions would be carrying rifles, I feel the need to feel up those holes to make the model more complete.

Remember the remaining part from the lasgun that we had cut earlier for the hot-shot lasgun and volley gun? We don't want to waste good parts. So I detached the handle from it.

The handle would off course not fit properly. Therefore it is essential that you dry fit it to the pistol holder while at the same time trimming it down so that it would fit perfectly. Do take note that you do not want the handle to be too short or it would look weird on the model.

Here's a picture on the completed handle: 

The next thing that I found important was the significant chainsword that most sergeants carry on their hands. As I looked at the one that came with the bolter scouts, I found it a little too short and fat to fit the style of  the Guard. Thus I took one of those from the cadian shock troops box set.

How do I do it?

Firstly, I remove the handle and arm from the cadian box set. 

Next, I removed the chainsword just before the handle of the bolter scout chainsword.

Lastly, I just attached the cadian chainsword onto the bolter scouts one.

And there you have it, a completed chainsword for your sergeant:

For the pistols that the sergeant carry, I just use the scoped pistol from the scouts box set. There is also not a need to fill up the hole at the pistol holder as he is already carrying one, and that's where he kept it.

So this wraps things up for my Scions Conversion Winterial. Do look out for the youtube video that I am doing for this scions. It should be up in a day or two, so do look out for it!


Edit: Youtube video links to Scions Conversion:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cddbXY39MP8

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmLVPp5qg9U

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2OOtvpYhKY

Monday, March 2, 2015

Scions Conversion Winterial part 2: Hot-shot volley gun

Hey all, welcome to part 2 of the scions conversion Winterial where today, we will be looking at the awesome volley gun.

I for one tried the gun out in game before and was pretty impressed but was singled out pretty fast by my opponents marines and got taken out before it did much. Nevertheless, it is still an awesome piece to be included within your scions collection. Here we go.

Basically, the overall design is similar to that of the hot-shot lasgun. The one not so obvious difference would be the ammo pack. Instead of just using one of the parts from the respirator pack as seen in part 1, I took 2 and glued them together before adding them onto the gun as shown below:

The next step after this is really straight forward, just attach the lasgun to the scout boltgun, as shown in the part 1 Winterial. Except now in this case, u have to flatten the bottom of the lasgun and also the front of the boltgun.

Part 1: http://the-last-season.blogspot.sg/2015/02/scions-conversion-winterial-part-1-hot.html

Next, we just detach a laspistol from one of the sergeant's hand and remove the trigger area, handle and the rear circular piece. The top of the lasgun should also be trimmed off for a better look. Glue it to the bottom of the lasgun and you should get something as shown below:

I decided not to remove the powerpack as I found that it looks pretty neat on the gun itself. But if you intend to remove it, feel free to do so as its up to personal choice.

So this is my part 2 for the Scions Conversion Winterial, stay tune to look out for the final part of it to wrap this up!


Edit: YouTube videos on Scions Winterial:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cddbXY39MP8

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmLVPp5qg9U

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2OOtvpYhKY

Apologize for no Youtube Winterial vid

Hey. Winters here.

I was finally finishing the touch-up for the scions Winterial and was just about to do up the audio recording, since I edited the video. But to my horror when I opened the file, none of the videos that I have added in are to be found, which means that I am going to need to re-edit the entire video again.

I'm so sorry for those of you waiting for it, I promise that I will get it up. In the meantime, I will have part 2 of the scions Winterial up within a day. Hope you guys would stick around and look through this Winterials on the blog, I will edit in the links to the Winterial below every time after I upload one.

Stay tune!



PART 1: http://the-last-season.blogspot.sg/2015/02/scions-conversion-winterial-part-1-hot.html

PART 2: http://the-last-season.blogspot.sg/2015/03/scions-conversion-winterial-part-2-hot.html

PART 3: http://the-last-season.blogspot.sg/2015/03/scions-conversion-winterial-part-3.html

Edit: YouTube videos on Scions Winterial:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cddbXY39MP8

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmLVPp5qg9U

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2OOtvpYhKY

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Scions Conversion Winterial part 1: Hot-shot lasgun

As I worked on my video for the scions conversion, I realized that the quality of that video was really terrible, but I don't have the necessary spare bits to do another. Thus I decided to add in some images that I have taken to make the Winterial more clear, with subtitles. This made the schedule for the release of the video a little bit late, but in the meantime, I decided to make a blog post Winterial to act as the supplement for the video. So this is part 1 of the scions Winterial.

In this Winterial, as the title says it all the main part we would be building would be the hot-shot lasgun.

Items you will need :
- Scouts head (from the space marines scout squad box set)
- Respiratory pack (from the cadian command squad set, there are 5 of these in each set)
- Boltgun (comes with the scout squad box set)
- Lasgun (the one that comes in every cadian infantry set that does not have any arms attached to it.

Step 1: (the head)

You will cut one of the respiratory pack, separating it into 3 parts. When you see the pack, it will be easy to determine which parts to separate. As the cord is unwanted, after you remove the cord, it will be the 3 parts that I mention, one being the cord itself, one being the mouthpiece and the last one is some sort of electrical box.

Attach the mouthpiece to the head. You should get something similar to that below. It looks pretty sweet when you attach the mouthpiece as the original head has some speaker console attached to it, once you attach it, it will all flow as one single equipment, giving it a very neat look.

Step 2: (power pack AKA ammo)

The ammo pack comes from the third part of the respiratory set, which will be attached to where the boltgun ammo would be attached to. But before we attach the ammo, we must first remove the boltgun ammo. Cut away the ammo of the boltgun. Take care at this point when cutting as some might over estimate the ammo part and cut the entire bottom part of the gun off. This would be what we do not want to see. 

Next, attach the third part of the respiratory pack to where the boltgun ammo used to be. Have the little protruding edge that you will see on the third part facing outwards as shown below the 2 images.
(Disclaimer: they look like flipped images but were taken from 2 different angles)

Have the front nozzle of the boltgun removed too, except for the small rectangular piece below it.

(Take note of where the third part of the respiratory pack goes)

Step 3: (the hot-shot)

You will take the lasgun and detach it just right before the ammo. It can be seen at the right image below. Trim it slowly so that it would be straight and you do not remove too much to make it obvious that it is shorter then the original. (sorry for the lack of images, have not been able to get any images for this part.

Next, we attach it to the boltgun as shown below. Ensure that the lasgun is aligned properly. I suggest that you dry fit it before you add the glue. 

From the top of the gun, you should make sure that the lasgun scope part aligns properly with those of the boltgun.

From the side, ensure that the lasgun is aligned straight to the top and sides of the boltgun as shown below.

So that will be it for this part 1, you already have the gun ready, are you ready for the other parts of the scions conversion? Do look out for it as it will be coming soon. I will edit in the links once I publish the post.

Hope that you all enjoy this Winterial. As always, do leave some comments and suggestions so that I may better improve myself. Thank you.


Edit: YouTube videos on Scions Winterial:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cddbXY39MP8

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmLVPp5qg9U

Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2OOtvpYhKY

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Legion of the Damned Finale post

As I work on my converted scions, I couldn't help but keep thinking of finishing up these guys, so i finally spent the past few days happily making it into perfection.

For the sergeant in the middle, I added the soft armor as I didn't have it when I first did it, which could be found at some post long time ago. 

The Damned Legionnaire at the most left has an arm carrying the bolter with his left hand. This was by far one of the hardest converting that I actually did. I have the urge to make some videos on how to do it, so that space marines army wouldn't be limited to only right hand bolters. If I remember correctly, space wolves has left arm bolters but with the wolf iconography, so changing one yourself might be more worth it. 

The guy at the most right has a bayonet fixed onto his bolter as I wanted him to have a pose that shows him charging and firing his bolter at the same time.

All shoulder pads and armor have been sculpted using green stuff. I then assembled these guys as shown using a non-hardening putty as I have the habit of putting them together only after I have painted them all up ( looks at unassembled army at the side of the room ) For the greenstuff I used 2 part yellow to 1 part blue as I wanted it to be soft for easy modelling.

So that's all for my Damned Legionnaires, hope you guys like it, comments and criticism are welcomed. Hopefully I can get the scions ready within a week, so do look out for it. See you guys later.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blog Update #1

So in the midst of all my examinations and have some free time up that I could not dedicate too fully to any projects I am on, I thought I'd use the time for some blog update. If you have been following my blog, you would have seen that I have been changing some stuff from the blog here and there.

Today, I announce that my first blog update is finally completed and it allows you to navigate the pages much easier. There are links to pages at the top of the blog homepage to allow you to navigate my whole range of post based on their main label, such as conversions, painting, Star Wars, and a few more. This would allow you to visit the page which you are interested in and view for updates, rather than having a need to read through all the post at the homepage.

So that's all for my very first blog update, hope you guys like it. Do give me some comments on how I could further improve it to better suit your you guys viewing my blog. Thank you and I would see you soon.


Militarum Tempestus Scions Conversion Update #1

Hey all, I'm back again. This time I'm back with an update. Remember a post long long time ago where I did some conversions? Yes, I was pretty unhappy with it and took the entire thing apart, thus the lack of any update and Winterial ever since. 

Good news for you, I have finally found this particular attempt of mine pretty satisfying and thought I'd share with an update on it. The heads has some sort of respirator, the boltgun with an obvious part of the lasgun and also of a different kind of ammunition feed. The sergeant is wielding a standard guard issue chain sword. All these stuff I would make a Winterial when my examinations finally end.

I too actually have a volley gun conversion but was pretty unsatisfied with it as it look weird, lasgun barrel with a multi-laser nozzle. Thus I took it apart and I am now thinking of a way to make it look awesome. I believe I should be able to do it just in time for the update and Winterial.

Hope you guys look forward to the next update for Militarum Tempestus Scions. I will see you guys in the next post!


Friday, January 16, 2015

Mortar team completed!

So here I am finally back home, completing some stuff, tying up some loose ends. The long awaited Imperial Guard/ Astra Militarum mortar team. Its just one as I only finished one, but I find this a great accomplishment as this was the first basing that I actually went through great lengths and thoughts to finish it. Comments and criticism are all welcomed as this help me to improve.





The top view actually makes the scene more obvious, like being in the middle of the fighting. As the crew race against time to fire their mortar into enemy lines, their position scattered with their equipment, hastily put aside to support their brothers fighting at the frontline.

This would actually be my main mortar team among the 3 which they have in a squad, hence the vox-caster, receiving coordinates and transmitting them to the other teams. 

So that's all for today's post. Do let me know your views on this! Follow my blog to receive more cool posts!


Thursday, January 15, 2015

For far too long

Sorry guys, have been too caught up of late through the few months with all the examinations rolling in and also all the festival preparation all that.

Probably one of the thing I spent my time mostly on would actually be a game that downloaded under pressure from my friend. This game is called League of Legends. Guess many of you would have heard of it. I wasn't really addicted to the game, rather I was playing with my friends most of my time.

I have this friend that always said I wouldn't play well and always wanted me to do better. So I played many different champions. Right now after quite a lot of hard work on that game, I have beaten him in the game and he could no longer blame me for losing that game. Therefore here I am back to writing posts for you guys.

So I thought I wanted to update you on the upcoming stuff that I would be posting, though my finals are coming. I finished one mortar team and wanted you guys to check it out, give me some comments and criticism, right after I get home.

I am also re-working on my Imperial Fists as I couldn't get a nice yellow and have been striping the paint over and over again. But I think I finally got the color that I like, not too dark and not too bright. The paints on it might be edgy when I show you guys the picture but it is mostly due to stripping of the paint far too many times and also the drying up of my yellow.

I guess that's about all I have for now. Once again, I apologize for being missing for well over 3 months. But I am back, so have no worries!
