Saturday, March 15, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned After-thoughts

What are my thoughts on the Legion of the Damned?

Well, it is a very good question asked.

I personally liked the fluff of the Legion of the Damned, thus I decided to make some of it. But that it not the only reason behind my motivation. I am actually pretty much in to the Fire Hawks Chapter. It is one of my favourite chapters besides several others.

I intended to have them fielded by the sides of my Imperial Guard, but building process has taken too much time and I barely finished any. I only finished the bolter marines.

I would definitely make a five men squad for the Legion of the Damned, since that seems to be their basic number. Plus I decided on five as I am using a marine combat squad for this purpose.

I believe the Legionary was very worth the time to do as the results were pretty good. In addition, I am now pulled further into it's awesome fluff, so maybe I would be getting one of their books soon.

If you are someone who loves to customise miniatures, this is definitely a challenging project for you as you get to design it the way you want it to be. There is no right or wrong to their design. All you need is to add designs to show death like skulls, ribcage, bones, fire and many more. Since after all, their fluff is meant for them to be the Damned.

With the release of a new supplement for these guys, I may invest on one and build up a force purely on the Legion of the Damned.

What inspires me to do better for these miniatures is actually a very old miniature that is built very very long ago (1996 I think).

This miniature is a sergeant holding a skull with 3 service studs which could belong to a former Captain. Since fluff wise it says it resurrects a fallen brother for every enemy killed. Hence I am quite pushed to one day get my hands on one of those miniatures, if not make one myself that has as much similarity to that as possible.

So I hoped you like this project very much. For people who have been following me on this project, thank you for your support. Once I harness the skill of sculpting, I may make a tutorial on how to do it.


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