Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Project Legion of the Damned Day 3

Progress is getting very slow today. Though I managed to finish off what I have wanted.

On the chest armour, I added the ribs where you would actually be able to see from the actual model of a Damned Legionary. The middle part which is the spine I think was actually done yesterday rather then today as I forgot to post it up.

Furthermore, I added fires to the leg armours and one of the shoulder pad to make it look like the original model, but I seemed to have overdone it. 

Here is a snap shot of everything:

From the fluff, there is supposed to be fires all around his body rather then just small little raised parts from the armour. Hence I am looking into how to make fires around the armour to make it look real like warp fires burning off at their armour while at the same time making it look menacing, deadly and real.

Tomorrow will be to figure out a good post to make it look unique and also like charging into close combat.

From the fluff, Damned Legionaries loves to fight in close combat, firing at point blank range. However, from the range of miniature I saw, only a handful depicts it. Hence I decided to give it a power axe. Since they favour plasma weapons too, plasma pistol is my choice for the sergeant.

Hopefully I can come up with an awesome looking pose tomorrow for it so stay tune as I go about for the pose. I would also finish the last touch up for the chest armour.


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