Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shopping List Status: Complete

The last shopping have finally been finished with all the materials needed to paint a Valhallan Ice Warrior. Though it may not be as good as those you see out there, but it could at least give an idea on how you could go about to do it.

Went to look for some inspirations on the Internet yesterday and I realised something crucial: I found no tutorials on how to paint a Valhallan Ice Warrior. Plus there are quite a few colour schemes to get around and try out with. As for my colour scheme, it is going to be quite unique. I spent an entire day figuring out what paints to use.

(The last items to get)

In other news, the knights are already out at a local store near me. Though the boxes are stacked up and the prices not really visibly seen, I managed to peek find out what is the price of the knight. That is $190 after members discount. 


Guess I have to safe faster to reach a budget to get one of these. Seeing how some people bought four at one go just makes me tempted to follow suit.

Ah well, time to work on my Valhallan guy. Catch you all in the next blog post!


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