Friday, September 26, 2014

Rhino, Assault Marines, Fire Hawks

So I have not been posting anything on a regular basis, so I guess I would just update you guys on what I am working on for the past few days, though it not really is much.

A week ago, I built myself a Rhino that I got from a friend, one which I bought. The thing is he didn't provide me with any instructions. Thus I based on the picture that I got from the Games Workshop site, I went on and built it. Took me quite a while to finish up the tank tracks but I got it. And there it is completed:

I left the top hatch opened so I can store up some of those bits that I got that I don't want to glue on, such as the side hatch and the pintle mounted storm bolter, It makes a good storage space if you ask me, being able to keep spare bits inside. 

I have been wondering what colour scheme should I paint? Imperial Fists or Fire Hawks? I got a few Fire Hawks marines done and once I finish the squad, I would post some pictures on it up. There wasn't much information by Games Workshop what paints is recommended for Fire Hawks, so this paint scheme was actually after a long period of trail and error. I did freehand for the shoulder pads too.

I have also been working on some assault marines. I hope to be able to complete them soon and probably make a painting Winterial out of it. These assault marines are going to be in blood angels colours, I was hoping to use them as an ally for my Astra Militarum, after I saw the effectiveness of their work in some battle reports. Blood Angels are definitely on the list.

So that's all for now. Hopefully I can finish up everything on hand real quickly so that I can finally get some solid post up on my blog as well as my youtube channel.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Youtube Account is finally up with my very first vid!

I guess I have not been posting for quite a long while although my holidays started half a month ago. Haven't really been doing much through the holidays besides playing some computer games all that. Just when I decided to have a game of 40k, I fell sick.

Hence I decided to take my time now to write a blog post.

I have actually set up a youtube account with my very first unboxing video on the Astra Militarum Officio Perfectus Commissar.

The link is here:

Do subscribe to my channel for more videos, like this video, give some comments. Your suggestions are always helpful in giving me ideas on how to improve.

That's all for this post I guess. So see you all soon!!!!


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tau colour scheme test 1

With my crisis suit built, I decided to come up with a colour scheme. I do not like the colour scheme provided for the fire caste and decided to do something neutral. This is so that they might one day serve by the side of my guards.

I came up with the colour scheme to be full black, with the metal parts being used with nuln oil. Light blue was used alongside dark grey. I am so excited about this colour scheme that I am tempted to make a tutorial out of it!

Some looks on the tau gundrone:

Gundrone in action (I can't find a suitable background, best I got):

See you all soon!!!!!!
Great stress relieve when examinations are so near!!!


Friday, August 15, 2014

eBay buy arrived!

My eBay order came in a few days ago, but I wasn't home to collect, so I have to make a trip down to the post office. Thankfully my dad helped me get it and thus here I am showing what I have gotten.

The package came as a small cardboard box. The miniatures were bubble wrapped and placed in the middle of some kind of soft cotton.

As follows, at the right is Captain Romero. From the left top to bottom is Catachan Jungle fighter with meltagun, trooper black and eversor assassin respectively.

These were great buys and it was in my deep regret that I have not gotten more of these miniatures. All I have to do is hope for the best till my next birthday, or hopefully get some by Christmas. 

See you all soon!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tau coming!

So during the weekend I went to my local hobby store as there was a discount, or sort of like a discount: Spend above $250 and get the specific few items to be 49% off. So I went to grab only a few items. They are the bretonnian army box, Khorne berzerkers, and a Imperialis basing kit which I plan to use on some of my cadians once those stressful examinations end. The two items that I got off the 49% was just a Tau crisis suit and the necron spyder.

So to cope with the stress, I have built up the tau crisis suit. 

Since this was my first crisis suit, I decided to make him look like he is floating in air, probably just descending upon the world he is about to conquer. I have decided to also get two more crisis suits together with him to the left and right, both halfway down shooting to the left and right respectively.

I armed him with everything I though was pretty cool, have his arms open like an invitation for an attack. Plus I decided to have the shield on the base, such that it would mark him out as a leader and also for the Tau transfer to go on, For the Greater Good!

That's all for today so see you guys soon! Time to dig out my pathfinder squad and craft out a unique paint scheme for it!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy National Day painting chaos cultist!!

It's been a while since I am back in front of my painting table working on my next project. With the examinations nearing and stress level increasing, the National Day celebration yesterday, 9 August, was well timed, allowing myself to start my painting as a way to de-stress myself.

Thus I managed to finish up the remaining three chaos cultists to take a group shot:

These cultists are more the followers of Khorne, hence I painted these guys in red and black. As you can see, it is the dominant colour for all cultists. 

These are really awesome miniatures, they come with more details than you can hope for, making it sometimes tiring to paint up all those tiny details. But they are one of the coolest miniatures that I can find in the chaos section, other than the chaos raptors.

I am now looking forward to finish my examinations soon (._.) that will last for three weeks, it has already started last Friday. Hopefully I can get through the examinations quickly and start painting again. I plan to finish up my youtube channel so I can post some videos on, plus some tutorials. Hopefully I can also get more cultists, making a tutorial out of it.

Thank you all for reading. And Happy National Day!!! (which was yesterday)


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Imperial Fists Terminator Sergeant finally complete!

With my examinations coming, I decided to do something unproductive towards it and finish up my Imperial Fists terminator sergeant. It has been such a long time since I last got in touch with my hobby of painting and now I have finally finished it.

Enjoy the pictures!!!!!!





I would most probably finish up the remaining of his squad the moment my examinations finish and start working on the normal marines.

Remember the paints I stripped off of some marines some days back? Well, they would be the test models for the Blood Ravens! So stay tune for more updates. There won't be much these coming days but once my examinations finish, be prepared to read loads of posts!!!!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Back after so long!

Sorry all for not posting for so long, have been quite busy through the month. So hopefully you guys are still with me.

Cutting to the chase, here's the Imperial Fists Terminator with his base almost complete. Yes, I found a suitable flooring for my terminator base. So all that's left for this guy is some touch up on the yellow and also painting up the base. Hopefully I could finish it this week or once my exams finish after August.

Though busy I may be, I still managed to find time to go down to my local hobby store to pick up this cool box! STORMCLAW! I had it reserved a week before it's release and about 2 - 3 days ago I picked it up the day it was released. Hope to open it up soon but I guess as always, exams are more important.

I had finally decided to strip the paint off my Imperial Fist space marine, 3 of them, one fully painted, one partially painted and one only primed. As you can see the fully painted one did not really come off much, though I am quite happy with the results. As a second time, I guess it is already pretty good. All I did was to soak it in dettol for an entire week and begin scrubbing it off for half a day. Tiring work I must say. The partially painted one fared better, since there was no varnish over it, unlike the other marine. The primed one seems to be the one that have not been affected at all, being same as before it went into the dettol. That's one strong primer I got there!

I plan to apint these guys blood ravens now, so we will see how that goes!

That's all for today, hope you guys enjoy this post. nothing much but there will be a great amount of time spent on my hobby seen. See you all later!


Saturday, July 5, 2014

A lucky drop to the shop

So school have started and test dates are already beginning to surface and show themselves. But I still managed to find time to get What I want.

I managed to get my hands on the last novel for The Macharian Crusade trilogy. Now I can officially start reading the trilogy. And if you are wondering, well I usually prefer to start at the first novel and go all the way throughout the series without stopping unless the stories are able to be read alone such as some of the Horus Heresy novels. This was the last book, luckily I managed to get it or it would be a big trouble to get my hands on it.

The second thing I got was a pack of 4 boyz. Now I only need 3 more boxes of these to make myself 20 boyz. A slow collection but worthwhile, since I am planning to paint slowly for this one and stop myself from buying too much at a go. I also got Biel-tan green to prepare the painting schedules, which starts off once the holiday starts!!

So what have you guys been doing these days. Share your hobby stories!!!!!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

More goodiness added!

Too long away from the hobby does not stop me from it. So here's a list of what I have been doing for the past few days.

I bought the Warhammer Visions at a low cost at a hardware store. I at first did not wanted to buy it because of the price, but I looked at the price and man the price was too good to miss. Though they are about a month late, but the price is worth.

I am starting to like this book, especially the Golden Demon Award pictures. Those miniatures are painted so well that my army looks like a part od it's shadow only.

Next, I have been working on the Prospero Burns novel of the Horus Heresy series. It has a very cool story line and the more I read it, the more I start to like the wolves.

I finished my Imperial Fists terminator a while back but what caught my attention was the colour difference between the normal marine and the terminator. The colours are obviously way apart although I used the same yellow. I am going to figure that part out. In the mean time, The pictures of the terminator. Time to think of an awesome base for it!


See y'all soon!


Saturday, June 21, 2014

How long has it been?

How long has it been already? Coped up at home just to finish up the Imperial Fists terminator sergeant. On the last count, I have already spent 16 hours on it already. Finally, here is the final product.

Before looking at the pictures, just to let you all know that I forgot that I have already used up my glue. So the pictures are the bits and pieces of the terminator after it is painted. Once I get my hands on the glue, I would show my fully built sergeant again.

(body and shield)

(bits and pieces)


So I chose a helmeted head for the sergeant, since he is going to post with Lysander and I don't want him to steal all the light. Plus I am bad at painting skin.

After thoughts now. I am going to stop painting yellow for the time being. Took me a whole 10 layers of yellow just to finish up the armour. Lots of repainting, drastically lowering the quality of my terminator. The eyes are actually green with a white dot at the top middle of the eye. Why? Well I was hoping for it to be at the edge like light but my brush dotted it in the middle and it is beyond my ability to change it. My brush is sacrificed. Yes, the fifth brush to meet it's fate while painting this guy, thus the many repainting.

Overall, it was a cool guy to paint. I was hoping to finish the squad but I guess I would stop it for a few days, let my eyes rest and also get my glue. So see you all soon!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Finally back after so long!

Sorry guys, was kind of busy of the past few days (or weeks, I can't remember). Was caught in examinations and camps. But fear not, for Winters is finally back with awesome new awesome posts!

First up, I am working on the terminators with the thunderhammer and storm shield. These guys are sort of like the test specimens for my colour scheme to the ultimate final terminator, Darnath Lysander himself. Which in other words, these are going to be Imperial Fists termies and I am going to work on them soon.

Forgive my poor priming. I was working on a new way of spraying the primer on and failed badly. These are already considered the best of the group. (Looks at the marines and sighs)

As you can see, I have some chaos terminators too. Those guys are for the later parts of an upcoming project right after I finish Lysander and his team.

Coming back to the Guards, I have also primed my Officio Perfectus Commissar, not too bad a priming, but still a little damaged. Sigh. Ah well, I will see what I can do about it. I have also done an unboxing video for it. I hope I can get it up to youtube soon once I am done looking through it again. Yes, again. Hearing it makes me laugh, I was so nervous when I did the unboxing. So when the video is up on youtube, try not to laugh.

That's all in today's news. I have already done my shopping for paints, so I should be able to finish up my Imperial Fists in the coming days. See you all later!


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Astra Militarum Updates #3

Remember from this post: that I have said that I would probably regret not getting the 2/2 web exclusive miniature? (Or was it the next post) Sidetrack a bit, check out that post to view what I got with the 1/2 web exclusive miniature.

Back to topic, I finally got my hands on this 2/2 web exclusive miniature. As a collector, I could not hold myself back from buying this miniature. The parcel juts arrived yesterday and I was pretty happy. Though tired, I still managed to open and have a look at it. Adrenaline from excitement gave me fresh strength.

Why would I just specially ship this exclusive miniature when I can still order other things. Hence, the first thing that came to my mind was this Commissar (Yes, it is another Commissar). For loyal follwers who have read my previous posts, I have been getting quite some Commissars. But this was one of my favourite. Unlike all those Commissars fighting in the thick of the battle, this one reads from a book, giving the men fresh strength to smash the foes of the Emperor. The raised powerfist looks like is is about to crush the enemy's head but yet never faltering in reading on, boosting moral.

Last thing that came with the parcel is Captain Darnath Lysander. I am currently also working on my Imperial Fists 3rd Company. So this is a great boost to my armour. Plus I had my eye on this model for quite some time but never got down to buy it as it was now in finecast. Knowing my chances for buying a metal one is slim and probably way over budget, I decided to just settle in for the finecast one. The first thing that came to my mind when I say it was "Look at those details". Which is a fact. There are so many small details that I am really glad I got it.

In other news, I finally put myself down to work on this chaos cultist from the 5 men box set. I painted him as I needed a techpriest for my armour unit and he is the most suitable choice. I wonder why I always never bought the actual model from the Games Workshop site, but that is probably because I always missed him when looking through what I want. Time to mark the techpriest on the to buy list!



In some more exciting news, I made a Leman Russ Vanquisher out of unwanted sprues.

Why you ask? Well, two reasons. First being that I have too many unwanted sprues lying around that I really want to get rid off. Though they make good bases for the miniatures, but do I really need that mush sprues?
Secondly, My army lacks a vanquisher and with the new release Astra Militarum with the tank commander as a HQ, I find a vanquisher a suitable fir for him. Hence I got down to build it.

The turret is rotatable but only till about 150 degrees facing the front, since the sprues are all uneven and it is really a miracle it can turn. 

I had a heavy bolter mounted front sponson made from unwanted sprues too. No side sponsons as I don't want too much points on one Russ, but with the improvement of the points cost for every Russ, sponsons may be one of the things I want to add in my army when I have point to spare. I don't want to have too many big points vehicle lumbering around and drawing attention too much.

I left the sides and part of the rear empty so that when there is a need for me to add more things or to support the structure (which is unlikely), I would be able to do so with ease. Better than me cutting the entire thing apart just to add more sprues to it.

That's all for today's post. Do let me know your views on this Leman Russ that I did. Leave any suggestion if you have. Also let me know what kind of things you hope to see in this blog more often (Videos is something to look forward to at maybe around June).


Saturday, May 10, 2014

A buy from the past!

Got all this from an awesome guy named Steven. He got all these out of production stuff that I actually wanted to collect and paint them up. Sadly I missed some pretty awesome stuff like the all metal landspeeders and the chaplain on bike. But I managed to get my hand on some items:

This is an overview of what I got from him. The ultramaines and death company(red one) box set is from 1993 and the honour guards and the other death company box from 1998. Look at those dates!

Within the ultramarine squad is 10 metal bodies of the marines and metal space marines. Though the arms are missing, I should be able to get my hands on some of them soon. Not a bad buy, since I love metal models and this is a pretty awesome collectible item that is already OOP for a long time.

The blood angels honour guard is actually just plastic assault marines. But what is so special about them is that it contains metal parts for you to build an assault marine that is an apothecary, a veteran sergeant with power sword, a techmarine (Yes, it includes and axe with the mechanicum sign too), a standard bearer and also a plasma gun guy.

These death company guys are the awesome ones. They are mostly metal with cool poses, plus two chaplains. The best part is one of the chaplain is Lemartes, an awesome guy. The poses of some of these guys are very nice and have the combat feel in it.

Last but not least is the Mephiston and Iron Priest (It is the Iron Priest as it is what is said at it's base tab. Plus the date printed behind was 'C GW1992') A great buy along with two awesome bits. Mephiston actually comes with the sword but I somehow missed it from this picture.

All in all, for the cost of $140, I think this is an awesome buy. I don't know why Games Workshop stop production of these awesome kits now. They should bring them back. I had some friends giving up this hobby because the models and rules are now worse than what they used to be. But I guess I have no say in this except to give my humble opinion: Bring back those kits that are really cool from the past.

That's all for today. Hopefully I can finish building them up and start painting them. But I guess the majority of this project will most likely be done during the term break, since my examination is already nearing and I have to start my revision.

See you all in the next post! 


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Adeptus Custodes Scratchbuild Update #2

So with the increase in work to do everyday, exams to study for. I decided that this project would currently be put on hold until my term break, which is only about another month or so. But that does not stop me for updating the most recent portion that I have stopped at.

My work so far has led me to the lower part of the body with it's torso. This leaves me to only details left at the belt, waist, front and back armour plate, helmet and arms with their shoulder pads. The build so far seems pretty ok until I did a size comparison to my marine and this happens:

I must say the torso was also kind of badly done, but I should be able to fix it up. Back to size comparison, the body without the head is already as tall as a space marine on it's base. It's legs are also quite open, which means that my Custodes was built way too big to fit into the marines. This being said, I shall now proclaim it true scale Custodes. Not exactly but it makes me feel better. 

So far this is the progress that I have made. Though it was hard work, I believe it will be well worth it in the end. This update would mark the pause of this project until maybe a month later.

In the mean time, I would get back to painting during the spare time that I could squeeze out of my already tight schedule.

See you all in the next post!


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Star Wars May the 4th be with you loot!

So today was the May the 4th be with you Star Wars day. I heard that there was a Star Wars event just at one of the local bookstore. So I decided to go down to take a look.

What disappointed me was the event was already over by the time I got there. It was said to me that it was yesterday and today was at a different location, somewhere far from me.

But this does not stop me from buying awesome Star Wars items. Plus, being a free comic book day, I got 20% off for everything that I bought in the store. So here is what I got:

Commander Cody collectible. I seen this for a long time but I have never thought I have owned one at all, since I am always running on a very low budget. 

This does not limit me to only Star Wars. I got these three books. Two of which being the Dungeons and Dragons books that I have missed, the other being part of the x-wing book that I haven't gotten. I am currently still looking for some of these books in the series but I still got it. Would not want to miss it.

What! How can you not buy a Star Wars Comic every time you see one? That's right. I got one right here that I found was pretty awesome! 

Lego was the first thing that I got for Star Wars, also it is what got me into Star Wars. So this is the new thing that got me pretty excited about. Since it too consist an exclusive miniature. I am quite a guy who likes to collect stuff!

Ending it off with a card game, I didn't see this snywhere else, so I thought I should get it, since this was also the last piece available in the store.

To side track a little, the warhammer 40k order that I received, if you remember, came with a black classified envelope. I opened it and guess what, it is a code for me to order another limited edition figure that cost 18 pounds. I really wanted it but it is just a normal marine captain and it looks almost the same as the first one, except with a shorter sword and a different weapon loadout. For that price, it put me to think twice about getting it. Since I have already crossed my budget, I guess I should just give it a pass. But I have a feeling that I would remember it someday again with a tinge of regret in it.

To end it off, prepare to receive and update on my Custodes soon. The work starts to look worse as I go on. But I guess I should still be able to save it. But it is way off scale. You would get what I mean when I post up my update on it.

See you all later!
